"The trade edition of any normal-sized book published before 2012 can be yours for just £13—POST FREE anywhere in the world—for the rest of the month. That pretty much makes those books almost half-price or even slightly better. But be warned: the offer will end at midnight (GMT) 31st July."
And then there's this one other deal... Wish I had $39 + around $80 for shipping to spare...
I jumped all over it.If I get doubles my christmas shopping is done..
Passing on the DRP book club also.Not to hot on any book clubs right now after the Darkfuse crap.Well at least I will be getting a partial refund from them.
If CD ever does another book club I would join that one both of those experiences were good.
Teri hang in there.I too am going through some changes right now and I just might have a different job by the end of this year.You will figure it out.It might take time but you will.
The DRP book club looked intriguing. I can definitely go for book clubs when they're offered. Hoping Cemetery Dance will offer another one again sometime, too!
And I'd also differentiate the situation. DRP is a book club with 12 books you're definitely going to get, whereas what happened with Darkfuse I thought was mostly just a change in output from 2 a month to one a month with a refund being issued.
Darkfuse's schedule still shows 2 per month. The problem that I know of with Darkfuse is that Shane Staley will no longer be publishing under the Delirium imprint (I thought that ended months ago though) and will publish under the Darkfuse imprint (Which is what I thought he was already doing), which gets him away from thosee annoying lifetime subscriptions that kept him afloat at times. Wonder how long they will be around after pissing customers off with this move. That and based on a lot of what I've read, most of their novella series books are not that great, which can drive customers elsewhere too.
Wouldn't call these "bargains" at all, but here's link to Camelot Books' latest newsletter. Lotsa lettered Bradbury stuff and the 2nd ATB limited edition I've seen for sale. Don't know if it's a Roman Numeraled of PC edition and it hasn't been posted on it's website as of this post (or maybe it's gone already), but his is one of my favorite book sites.