SubPress has finally listed Jeff Vandermeer's "Ambergris" on their pre-orders page. I could not be more excited about this one and ordered a copy immediately. These are some of my absolute favorite weird fiction/fantasy stories/novels and am so glad to seem them collected like this. This set may seem a little pricey at first, but considering what is included, it is actually a great deal. Can't imagine that this one won't sell out quickly once it is officially announced. Figured I would let the forum know so that no one misses out on the opportunity to own these fantastic stories!
No announcement yet.
Subterranean Press
Nothing to see here!Ok, I really can't come up with anymore of these stupid things...
- May 2011
- 8816
Originally posted by sholloman81 View PostSubPress has finally listed Jeff Vandermeer's "Ambergris" on their pre-orders page. I could not be more excited about this one and ordered a copy immediately. These are some of my absolute favorite weird fiction/fantasy stories/novels and am so glad to seem them collected like this. This set may seem a little pricey at first, but considering what is included, it is actually a great deal. Can't imagine that this one won't sell out quickly once it is officially announced. Figured I would let the forum know so that no one misses out on the opportunity to own these fantastic stories!
Thanks for the "heads up". I've really liked what I've read of Vandermeer's work, though it's been limited to Annihilation. I will admit that the first time I read Annihilation I found it to be kind of a slog. A read it again because I felt like I didn't give it a fair shake and let my expectations get in the way. The second time I read it, I pretty much thought it was a masterpiece. I keep meaning to get to the other two books in the series, but was waiting for the CD edition to come out to do so.
I have The Complete Borne and Dead Astronauts from Sub Press on my shelf waiting to be read, but they are a little ways due the queue. I'm on the fence about this one. The set isn't cheap, but that FOMO is worming its way into my heart.
SubPress has definitely been raising their prices lately - not sure if they realized their books were underpriced, or they're having to offset some increases in production costs, or just testing the water, especially when compared to what Suntup has been charging for their AEs lately.
I need to decide if I want this new one - I have the others from them, but books are getting expensive.
Preach it, Brother! They sure are and it's making it difficult for me on my budget. Bumped my budget up a bit this year but it certainly wasn't enough to keep up with all the great books coming out lately.
Originally posted by TacomaDiver View Postbut books are getting expensive.Looking for the fonting of youth.
Originally posted by Sock Monkey View PostI thought I was going to pass on AMBERGRIS, then saw Camelot had copies. I buckled under the pressure. I’m so weak-willed...
Originally posted by sholloman81 View Post
Maybe, but, I think you made a great choice to buckle under as I am super excited by this set of books. Vandermeer is a great writer and SubPress has done a wonderful job with his previous books. Add in that it has new material and fantastic art, and this was a no brainer for me.
Part of my hesitation was that I still have The Complete Borne and Dead Astronauts in my TBR and I hate having too many books by one author in the pile.
Originally posted by sholloman81 View PostSubPress is currently running a 50% off sale on some of their books for the next day or two. Only picked-up one book as the rest of the titles didn't interest me much.Twitter:
Originally posted by sholloman81 View PostSubPress is currently running a 50% off sale on some of their books for the next day or two. Only picked-up one book as the rest of the titles didn't interest me much.
I already had Redemption of Time, Supernova Era, and Windhaven. There were a few Best of collections that I really wanted, but couldn't bring myself to buy. My wallet is still recovering from the last two Suntup titles.
Some great titles for some low prices. I'm curious to see if more titles are added for tomorrow.