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  • Sock Monkey
    Saw your Goodis pics on Twitter. Man, they are some good looking books! Heck of an addition to the collection. My book envy is strong.

    I’ve got a couple of new Centipede additions on the way. Nothing as cool as yours, but I’ll post photos when they arrive.

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  • RonClinton
    Thanks, guys. Yeah, these early crime titles are tough to track down, so I was especially pleased that I was able to grab both Goodis titles (and especially the Goodis titles, as he's one of my favorites) in one fell swoop. Just took the photos earlier today, so they will definitely now be up on Twitter sooner rather than later...probably tomorrow (Thursday) and Friday.

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  • Sock Monkey
    Originally posted by RonClinton View Post
    Just picked up both of the David Goodis S/L HCs published in 2007 under the Millipede imprint. Hope to get one or both up on Twitter with pics this week or next.

    I'd sure like to get the Steve Fisher volume, I WAKE UP SCREAMING, so if anyone has a copy they're interested in parting with for cash or trade (not these lovely Goodis books, though!), let me know. Last I knew, Camelot had a copy for $1K, but that seems to me to be priced too high by a factor of two...last copy I saw sold, a year or two ago, was around $400.
    Congratulations! Those are not easy books to find. Honestly I can’t remember the last time I saw them for sale online. Fantastic additions!

    Good luck with I WAKE UP SCREAMING. That’s another rare one. I agree with your assessment of Camelot’s price. Pretty steep.

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  • mhatchett
    Great Finds Ron!

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  • RonClinton
    Just picked up both of the David Goodis S/L HCs published in 2007 under the Millipede imprint. Hope to get one or both up on Twitter with pics this week or next.

    I'd sure like to get the Steve Fisher volume, I WAKE UP SCREAMING, so if anyone has a copy they're interested in parting with for cash or trade (not these lovely Goodis books, though!), let me know. Last I knew, Camelot had a copy for $1K, but that seems to me to be priced too high by a factor of two...last copy I saw sold, a year or two ago, was around $400.

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