From Joe Hill's newsletter today:
"My first book, 20th Century Ghosts, a collection of stories, came out in 2005, which means it's now old enough to buy weed and lie about getting laid. The folks at LetterPress Publications are helping to mark its fifteenth anniversary by crafting a new, luxe limited edition with splendid interior art by Vincent Sammy. They'll base the print run on how many pre-orders come in between now and April 30th. We're talking about doing some of the other books to create a whole aesthetically linked set, so the print run on Ghosts will help us get a sense of how many books to do on a hypothetical edition of, say, Heart-Shaped Box. If you think you'd like this one on your shelf, do drop them an order? They stop taking purchases on May 1st."
From Joe Hill's newsletter today:
"My first book, 20th Century Ghosts, a collection of stories, came out in 2005, which means it's now old enough to buy weed and lie about getting laid. The folks at LetterPress Publications are helping to mark its fifteenth anniversary by crafting a new, luxe limited edition with splendid interior art by Vincent Sammy. They'll base the print run on how many pre-orders come in between now and April 30th. We're talking about doing some of the other books to create a whole aesthetically linked set, so the print run on Ghosts will help us get a sense of how many books to do on a hypothetical edition of, say, Heart-Shaped Box. If you think you'd like this one on your shelf, do drop them an order? They stop taking purchases on May 1st."
@Brian. Anyway to provide an update on pre-order numbers to date? I am curious.
No problem if you don't feel good about sharing yet.
I would love to know as well, assuming that we aren't stepping on any toes. Part of me hopes a ton of people pre-ordered it as higher sales will obviously be helpful to the publisher and may fund future cool projects, and then another part of me (the collector) hopes that the numbers are low to make the series as limited as possible which could only help it hold/increase value on the secondary market (not that I expect to be flipping these books as they are by one of my favorite authors and I do not currently have a limited/special copy of this title nor the next (hopefully) HSB.
@Brian. Anyway to provide an update on pre-order numbers to date? I am curious.
No problem if you don't feel good about sharing yet.
Probably best not to say anything yet, but can probably share a hint...!
I was very worried about announcing a $125 book given the state of the world, but Joe and I both agreed it could be a good thing for the indie retailers who desperately need cash flow every month to keep their doors open, so we moved forward with the announcement as planned. Now, I haven't spoken to all of the retailers yet, but from what I'm hearing, it has been a very good thing for them.
I should be able to post the print run very early in May. I'm also ready to print the signature sheets as soon as I have that number. The book is being proofread again now, just because I'm paranoid about the books really being readable books, but everything besides the sig sheets are ready for the printer.