Originally posted by RonClinton
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Suntup Editions - All Books
Nothing to see here!Ok, I really can't come up with anymore of these stupid things...
- May 2011
- 8816
Originally posted by jeffingoff View PostI worry for you today. Are you emotionally prepared for the possibility that the book isn't HORNS?? I know everyone seems to think it's a foregone conclusion. BUT there's a possibility that the book could be something totally different. If that happens, do you have a support system in place? You can PM me if you need someone to reassure you.
I've never read Joe Hill, so I'm happy to get a Suntup Hill IF that's the third book.
Originally posted by jeffingoff View PostHow are you doing Brian? Are you in for a numbered? Lettered? ALL THREE?
P.S. Oh, if you're free this evening, you up for harvesting some innocent souls help pay for this thing?
Originally posted by Martin View PostSpeaking only for myself, I have never purchased a book with thought of future value. If I purchase this it will be because I want to have it on my shelf and feel that the price is reasonable. It will be a tough call.
On a side note, the announcement was made on what would have been my late nephew's 21st birthday. That's something kinda special to only me as well.
Originally posted by Martin View PostSpeaking only for myself, I have never purchased a book with thought of future value. If I purchase this it will be because I want to have it on my shelf and feel that the price is reasonable. It will be a tough call.
Originally posted by Brian861 View Post
On a side note, the announcement was made on what would have been my late nephew's 21st birthday. That's something kinda special to only me as well.
Originally posted by Ben Staad View PostI'm out on all options. All editions will be well done and will be gorgeous however this isn't the title for me. I may consider the gift but I'm not sure I liked the book that much and certainly do not see the gift increasing in value. Hope I'm wrong!
From my perspective, I think this is priced a little too high. I could see $550 or so. But from where Paul sits, I'd imagine he's looking at all the number columns from Misery--the credits and debits and the secondary market values--and trying to find the balance where he can produce the quality he's demanding of his projects, keep a solid customer base, and make money. This price will weed out the casual collectors and send them to the Gift Edition. It's also going to weed out the flippers who are grabbing numbers to turn it over on eBay for a nice profit. Because we definitely won't see the crazy jumps on the secondary that we did with Misery, is my guess. And the price might break. This could be one to wait on.
Originally posted by jeffingoff View PostSo sorry to hear about your nephew. I don't know how old he was when he passed, but 21 is much too young to have a posthumous birthday. That's heartbreaking.
I'm sorry to hear about this. I am an only child (so no nephews) but we lost my cousins son unexpectedly at 21. It was and is tough.
Originally posted by Brian861 View PostNot to hijack the thread but my family and I truly appreciate it, Jeff. He was 18 when he passed.Looking for the fonting of youth.
Thanks. It is hard to have memories of changing and feeding a little one, watching them grow, and then burying them. Harder for his mom/dad/and grandparents, I am sure, but still a sad moment for me as well.
Originally posted by jeffingoff View PostMy condolences to you as well. It's just awful.Looking for the fonting of youth.
I bought quite a few books which i have perhaps missed ordering upon or never knew existed from some publisher, and having experienced buying so many of these books in after market for far lesser price, I know for sure not every book is profitable. If the objective is to weed out flippers, it will also drive away people for the same reason. 675$ is insane amount for numbered edition of this particular book. Not every book is the same.
I agree with the analysis that there won't be crazy price jumps. I think there are better chances if waited upon. I like to collect and it is not the resale value that bothers me as much as what infinitely bothers me is when i see the book being sold next day at half the price. Hence, I like try to at least make an estimation whether it will hold value or not. Anyways that's just me and of course one can never tell with 100% surety lol.
The price isn't really that insane when you consider the print run. 250 copies is really low, I'm honestly shocked when any publisher does a run that small, let alone for a low amount of money. Just knowing the time and effort that goes into producing the books. I can't remember which publisher it was (I don't think they are in business anymore) but they did like 150 copy runs for like $125. It's hardly seems worth the effort, given the number of titles you'd have to sell a year just to get by on that low of "profit per project". Just my thoughts though. I suspect they will sell out, just maybe not overnight.CD Email: [email protected]
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Originally posted by Ben Staad View PostThanks. It is hard to have memories of changing and feeding a little one, watching them grow, and then burying them. Harder for his mom/dad/and grandparents, I am sure, but still a sad moment for me as well.
Nothing to see here!Ok, I really can't come up with anymore of these stupid things...
- May 2011
- 8816
Originally posted by Brian861 View PostNot to hijack the thread but my family and I truly appreciate it, Jeff. He was 18 when he passed.