Watership Down is one of my favorite books. I would love a nice edition of it. Not sure I would need a numbered but I'm definitely ready for an Artist Edition.
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Suntup Editions - All Books
Ordered, of course...REPLAY Has been in my top five books since I read it some 30 years ago. I’ve turned many folks onto it, and I’m glad to see Suntup continuing that legacy with what looks to be a volume that is beautifully worthy of the work it contains.Twitter: https://twitter.com/ron_clinton
Nothing to see here!Ok, I really can't come up with anymore of these stupid things...
- May 2011
- 8816
I have not read this one but it has been on the edges of my awareness for quite some time. As speculation on Suntup releasing an edition I looked more into the story. I will admit I am intrigued and am looking forward to reading it. The additional drawing for the author signed bookplates is an interesting addition as well. I will add that the design elements on all editions and the art shown looks fantastic.
As much as I'm disappointed it's not Watership Down, my wallet is also very happy it's not.
Replay has been on the fringe of my recollection for some time now (may have been here, or TDT, or somewhere else, but there was a thread of time travel books which is how I first heard about it.) It's been on my To Buy list ever since and while I always look for a copy while used book shopping, I've never found one, nor just grabbed a new copy from Amazon.
I did buy the AE though so maybe that'll be one I end up reading.