My buddy Brandon pointed out that The Overlook Connection was selling signed DVD copies of the recent Lansdale documentary.
All Hail the Popcorn King
$40 isn't too bad, and with the new welcome coupon, shipping was almost free.
OR you can order direct from the manufacturer - signed by the director not Lansdale - for almost the same price.
Note - there is no Glen Chadbourne remarqued option available.
Note for Brian - Joe Hill is included so here's another thing you'll need to get signed.
All Hail the Popcorn King
$40 isn't too bad, and with the new welcome coupon, shipping was almost free.
OR you can order direct from the manufacturer - signed by the director not Lansdale - for almost the same price.
Note - there is no Glen Chadbourne remarqued option available.
Note for Brian - Joe Hill is included so here's another thing you'll need to get signed.
