But look at the innards of your e-reader and you will find the inscriptions "North Central Positronics, LLC" and "Sombra Corp." Every e-book you buy or read makes Roland's journey a little longer....
But look at the innards of your e-reader and you will find the inscriptions "North Central Positronics, LLC" and "Sombra Corp." Every e-book you buy or read makes Roland's journey a little longer....
I have just started reading some of Kings work (IT, Carrie, 'Salem's Lot, The Shining) and I am interested in getting into a series. I have always heard good things about the Dark Tower series and I am just curious where this book falls in the series, the middle, end or what? Thanks for any info!
I have just started reading some of Kings work (IT, Carrie, 'Salem's Lot, The Shining) and I am interested in getting into a series. I have always heard good things about the Dark Tower series and I am just curious where this book falls in the series, the middle, end or what? Thanks for any info!
The Wind Through the Keyhole falls between Book 4 (Wizard and Glass) and Book 5 (Wolves of the Calla). King has called it "The Dark Tower 4.5" in several interviews and that's definitely where the story falls in the timeline.
All the Canadian dmg customers got an email today finally asking which shipping method they wanted and the prices. So I emailed them back with what I wanted. Finally good to hear something...now to finish the talisman before it comes.
Did you get anything over your way too siep? I know you've been waiting a while as well.
I have heard nothing (i'm in the UK), but i finished reading my trade copy last night and i loved the book. It is filled with wonder, sorrow and beauty, brought a tear to my eye at the end. I really hate to leave the story of Roland!
All the Canadian dmg customers got an email today finally asking which shipping method they wanted and the prices.
Did you get anything over your way too siep? I know you've been waiting a while as well.
Man, I shouldn't have moved back to the old country....If I still would have lived in Vancouver...
In other words, no, still nothing.
Big sighhhhhhhhhhhhh.................