The 3 arc's arrived today.2 days earlier then expected.They look great.I love the cover of the Garton book.Very nice CD.Now for that e-mail for ERC 6.Still waiting on it.As if you guys are not busy enough.Looking forward to the hard cover editions of all of these.
I've never understood the fascination with the idea of publishing books without the author/title on them. We've done it twice that I can recall (Camp Pleasant and Blood Crazy) and the end result is booksellers only being able to put the books spine-out on the shelves -- which is the worst possible way to sell a book -- or people in the dealers' room at conventions having to pick up and handle the book just to see who the author is. In the end, you end up with lots of "slightly dinged" copies returned to the publisher due to the extra handling.
I guess it would be a neat idea if the books didn't actually have to be sold, though!