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The Southern Reach Trilogy by Jeff VanderMerr

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  • Sock Monkey
    Got the lettered and just posted pictures and thoughts in the "Latest Purchase" thread!

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  • Sock Monkey
    Got my shipping notice today!

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  • Sock Monkey
    Originally posted by sholloman81 View Post

    Congrats! Always nice to cross-off those extra-old pre-orders! I hope that it ended up much nicer than the LE as that book is still very much a sore spot for me.
    I am trying to hold out a little bit of hope that the lettered will be worth the added wait and cost. At $500, it's a pretty pricey lettered for Cemetery Dance, especially in the context of the lettered edition of Usher's Passing was offered six months later at half the cost of Southern Reach. I guess we'll see in about 4-6 weeks!

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  • sholloman81
    Originally posted by Sock Monkey View Post
    Holy biscuits! I just received the "Have you moved" email stating that the Southern Reach lettered will be shipping in the next month! After 6 (!) years, it may actually be happening! Looking forward to this!
    Congrats! Always nice to cross-off those extra-old pre-orders! I hope that it ended up much nicer than the LE as that book is still very much a sore spot for me.

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  • Sock Monkey
    Holy biscuits! I just received the "Have you moved" email stating that the Southern Reach lettered will be shipping in the next month! After 6 (!) years, it may actually be happening! Looking forward to this!

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  • sholloman81
    Originally posted by DanFranklin View Post
    Cypress knees is actually correct! Lol. Threw me for a loop too, but it's the intended terminology
    You rock Dan! Felt like a complete misspelling. Shows how dumb I am!!! Thanks for this post!

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  • DanFranklin
    Cypress knees is actually correct! Lol. Threw me for a loop too, but it's the intended terminology

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  • sholloman81
    Originally posted by Splync View Post

    Maybe the author really wanted to update the text to say Cypress Knees. Anything can happen in Area X, right?!

    At least that's what I'm holding onto... :-/
    That's really funny!

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  • Splync
    Originally posted by sholloman81

    I'm working my way through this book now. Am about halfway through the book. It has been years since I first read these books; so, I'm not positive; however, I am not noticing any sort of changes or updates by the author. Once thing I have noticed which is bugging the hell out of me is that whoever proofread this book left a very obvious misspelling. Every time it is supposed to say "Cypress Trees", it instead says "Cypress Knees". I have noticed this error many times so far leading me to believe they used a program to proofread instead of an actual person as this feels like an "auto-correct" mistake. Cannot believe this was missed as trees is a pretty common word in this book. Just one more thing for me to be annoyed about in regards to this edition.
    Maybe the author really wanted to update the text to say Cypress Knees. Anything can happen in Area X, right?!

    At least that's what I'm holding onto... :-/

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  • woodpile3
    Does anyone know if this book has “the complete and updated text” as originally promised or if it’s simply a reprint of the original trilogy without any changes? I’m upset about the lack of bonus material but I also assumed there were going to be author-approved changes, updates, corrections, etc. to the source material.

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  • Tommy
    Mine has the creasing as well.

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  • Martin
    I have posted photos of my copy on my collector's thread including a photo of the one page that has the defect in the paper.
    Martin's Collection - Cemetery Dance Forums

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  • sholloman81
    Originally posted by Splync View Post
    A user on Facebook noticed that their copies of this title had creasing around pages 563, 595, 635, and 625. He had purchased five copies and every single one of them had some creasing.

    I still have to unbox my copy, but I'm curious to see how many copies were affected. Per the post on Facebook, Mindy checked all remaining copies in the warehouse and they all had the same issues.

    Very disappointing, to say the least. But I wanted to share it here as I know some folks aren't on Facebook.
    Thanks for posting this as I don't do Facebook; so, the info was much appreciated. I need to check my copy, but, don't think I'm ready to do that at the moment as I don't want to experience any more bad news with this darn book. Also, it's not like CD can do anything about the creasing issue at this point; so, why make myself even more upset. Much like Martin, I wouldn't be so much upset at the creases as with CD's lack of communication regarding the totality of issues/changes with this book. I also really wish that at some point CD would address the issues/reception of this book via their own website so at least we could know their thinking behind what may have went wrong or why changes weren't clearly communicated. I have a lot of love for CD from my past experiences and purchases, but, the experience with this book is really turning me off from potential future orders.

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  • slayn666
    Just to clarify, a lot of the ire generated by the aforementioned FB post isn't about the creases themselves so much as CD's response which was basically a very polite "lol get fucked."

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  • Martin
    Originally posted by Splync View Post
    A user on Facebook noticed that their copies of this title had creasing around pages 563, 595, 635, and 625. He had purchased five copies and every single one of them had some creasing.

    I still have to unbox my copy, but I'm curious to see how many copies were affected. Per the post on Facebook, Mindy checked all remaining copies in the warehouse and they all had the same issues.

    Very disappointing, to say the least. But I wanted to share it here as I know some folks aren't on Facebook.
    I had not heard about this, so I checked my copy. To be honest I am much more disappointed that the book was not completed and delivered as promised, and that the change was not communicated when the book went to press. I will try and make the time to take some pictures this weekend on post what the crease looks like. It is barely noticeable.

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