Originally posted by Jerry Horne
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Stephen King the Doubleday Years
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Originally posted by Ben Staad View PostIn hindsight I wish I would have jumped on this. It is one of my favorites as well.CD Email: [email protected]
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Originally posted by Dan Hocker View PostHi Jerry. I expect The Stand won't be officially announced to the general public until after Night Shift is published later this year, as that's how we've typically done it in the past. As far as the production schedule goes with that, I'm not 100% sure on where it falls in line, but because of the delays on Night Shift it is much further along in the process than the next book in line would typically be at this point.
Nothing to see here!Ok, I really can't come up with anymore of these stupid things...
- May 2011
- 8816
So glad I ordered the full set when it was first announced. Really looking for Night Shift and remaining two titles. This one got stuck at the half way point due to conditions beyond anyone's control. Nice to see some movement!
Originally posted by Martin View PostSo glad I ordered the full set when it was first announced. Really looking for Night Shift and remaining two titles. This one got stuck at the half way point due to conditions beyond anyone's control. Nice to see some movement!Twitter: https://twitter.com/ron_clinton
Nothing to see here!Ok, I really can't come up with anymore of these stupid things...
- May 2011
- 8816
Originally posted by RonClinton View PostI don’t know why I thought (erroneously) at the time of the PS edition that CHRISTINE would be part of this CD set, and that I’d wait for the CD edition. I really regret passing on the PS edition, given that I’ll never opt for the (much more expensive) Grant volume. I really screwed up on that one.
I just would like a nice deluxe copy of each of the classic King novels, of which, to my mind, CHRISTINE is one. I guess CHRISTINE joins FIRESTARTER (Phantasia Press) as ones I’ll likely never have.Last edited by RonClinton; 03-28-2020, 06:49 AM.Twitter: https://twitter.com/ron_clinton
I have been pretty happy with the PS books I have purchased. My sole issue was with the Esselmont Malazan Empire books, once you wrapped them with a Brodart cover, you had to wrestle them in and out of the slipcases. The only King I ordered from them was Salems Lot, mostly because it is my favorite King book, but also the idea of breaking the book into three separate volumes intrigued me. I thought hey did a good job with it. I have ordered a few interesting titles from them lately, I have a copy of Gaslight, Ghosts & Ghouls: A Centenary Celebration R. Chetwynd-Hayes on the way from Camelot. Another book of theirs I really liked was the Charles grant Collection, Scream Quietly - A Collection of Charles L. Grant. Speaking of Grant, I'm very excited that Centipede Press is going to come out a collection of his work at some point. Have a great weekend and don't cough on anybody!!
Originally posted by Martin View PostSo glad I ordered the full set when it was first announced. Really looking for Night Shift and remaining two titles. This one got stuck at the half way point due to conditions beyond anyone's control. Nice to see some movement!
Nothing to see here!Ok, I really can't come up with anymore of these stupid things...
- May 2011
- 8816
Originally posted by mhatchett View PostI passed on the full set because I just don't like Carrie that much. Crazy, I know, but there it is. I've been getting Gift editions of the ones I want from Camelot without any problems.
Originally posted by Martin View PostIf you did not want them all that is probably the correct way to go. I went with the full set of the Artist Edition. If I am remembering correctly by paying for the full set up front each book had the same retail as Carrie. I think by the time all is delivered I will have achieved some good savings. Better yet I do not have to worry about getting in when the next book is announced.