Damn that's a great cover!
No announcement yet.
Stephen King the Doubleday Years
A quick update on 'Salem's Lot for those who might be interested:
The Gift Edition crossed the 50% sold out point this morning, much faster than Carrie did.
The Numbered Artist Edition is 90% sold out.
The Lettered Artist Edition is 100% sold out.
For those who missed the announcement, here is our product page for information:
BrianBrian James Freeman
Lividian Publications: http://www.Lividian.com
My Writing: http://www.BrianJamesFreeman.com
Originally posted by Brian James Freeman View PostA quick update on 'Salem's Lot for those who might be interested:
The Gift Edition crossed the 50% sold out point this morning, much faster than Carrie did.
The Numbered Artist Edition is 90% sold out.
The Lettered Artist Edition is 100% sold out.
For those who missed the announcement, here is our product page for information:
Nothing to see here!Ok, I really can't come up with anymore of these stupid things...
- May 2011
- 8817
Originally posted by Brian James Freeman View PostA quick update on 'Salem's Lot for those who might be interested:
The Gift Edition crossed the 50% sold out point this morning, much faster than Carrie did.
The Numbered Artist Edition is 90% sold out.
The Lettered Artist Edition is 100% sold out.
For those who missed the announcement, here is our product page for information:
Originally posted by Martin View PostInteresting. I wonder if the actual release of Carrie, and people seeing how nice it is, and the announcement of Salem's Lot will push Carrie Gift Edition to sell out?
BrianBrian James Freeman
Lividian Publications: http://www.Lividian.com
My Writing: http://www.BrianJamesFreeman.com
Originally posted by Tommy View PostAlso, maybe the fact that the PS edition of Carrie being released the same year may have stopped some collectors from getting the CD edition?
In the end, I just hope that those how bought CARRIE are pleased with the production, and I hope those who buy the other books in the set feel the same way as those titles are published.
BrianBrian James Freeman
Lividian Publications: http://www.Lividian.com
My Writing: http://www.BrianJamesFreeman.com
Originally posted by frik51 View PostI'm buying a complete set of the AE's (already paid for) - and ordered the Carrie gift directly from CD, but it's cheaper for me to order from PS Publishing, so I'll get my Salem's Lot gift from Pete.
At least, I'm assuming PS will carry this edition as well??
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Originally posted by frik51 View PostDo I detect just a slight bit of doubt here, Dan? I hope it's a certainty PS will carry the gift, otherwise I'll have to order from CD.
BrianBrian James Freeman
Lividian Publications: http://www.Lividian.com
My Writing: http://www.BrianJamesFreeman.com