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The Shining (in all its publication forms)

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  • Brian James Freeman
    Originally posted by Theli View Post
    You know what... I just looked that up, I'd never heard of Blok before, and I must say I liked it more than I thought I would. I definitely see how his style would be very polarizing, but I liked it. It has a distinctly medieval appearance to it. And despite it's cartoonish or arguably amateurish bend I think it's actually a strikingly dark style. In a way it reminds me of Edward Gorey. Thanks for bringing him to my attention.
    Ha, same here... I can see how it would be incredibly polarizing especially when you're discussing a project that has SO many fans, but I kind of liked it for what it is. I agree with you, re: the medieval appearance to the art. But I can absolutely understand how it would NOT be what someone was expecting, too.


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  • Tommy
    Originally posted by Theli View Post
    You know what... I just looked that up, I'd never heard of Blok before, and I must say I liked it more than I thought I would. I definitely see how his style would be very polarizing, but I liked it. It has a distinctly medieval appearance to it. And despite it's cartoonish or arguably amateurish bend I think it's actually a strikingly dark style. In a way it reminds me of Edward Gorey. Thanks for bringing him to my attention.
    Yeah, I dig it too. I definitely got the medieval feel.

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  • Theli
    Originally posted by Tommy View Post
    Here's the best cover for The Shining ever!!

    I haven't slightest idea as to what that has to do with The Shining. Hahaha.

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  • Theli
    Originally posted by St. Troy View Post
    This is a bit off-topic, and while I'm not trying to turn this into a bash-oriented thread, I feel I simply must share this: for anyone looking for artwork that is even worse (IMO! IMO!) than the South Park The Shining cover, go google Cor Blok's atrocious (IMO! IMO!) work for Lord Of The Rings. (Again - IMO! I know CB's work appeals to some; the man gets work, after all.)
    You know what... I just looked that up, I'd never heard of Blok before, and I must say I liked it more than I thought I would. I definitely see how his style would be very polarizing, but I liked it. It has a distinctly medieval appearance to it. And despite it's cartoonish or arguably amateurish bend I think it's actually a strikingly dark style. In a way it reminds me of Edward Gorey. Thanks for bringing him to my attention.

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  • Tommy
    Here's the best cover for The Shining ever!!


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  • St. Troy
    This is a bit off-topic, and while I'm not trying to turn this into a bash-oriented thread, I feel I simply must share this: for anyone looking for artwork that is even worse (IMO! IMO!) than the South Park The Shining cover, go google Cor Blok's atrocious (IMO! IMO!) work for Lord Of The Rings. (Again - IMO! I know CB's work appeals to some; the man gets work, after all.)

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  • St. Troy
    Originally posted by Dan Hocker View Post
    It actually kinda reminds me of promotional art you would see for a Wes Anderson movie.
    Yes! This definitely reminded me of the Wes Anderson feeling of "I got my head stuck in the 4th wall of a diorama" (FYI, I like Wes Anderson). I didn't mention this because I wasn't sure it tied to the point I was making, but it's good to see that someone else picked up on this.

    Originally posted by Theli View Post
    I do like the abundance of art in the Sub. Press edition, especially the smaller pieces like chapter headings etc.
    Agreed, and although I (for now) am not looking for Shinings beyond CD's (I'm not much of a collector, although the eye does wander), the SP edition will always be in the back of my mind, and those illustrations are the main reason for this.

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  • Theli
    Originally posted by RonClinton View Post
    No, you're not the only one; as a purchaser of the Sub Press edition, I'm very thankful they didn't use that my mind, it missed the target by a country mile.

    What I haven't determined is if I need to pick up the CD edition or just let the Sub Press edition suffice. I don't have the shelf space anymore to have variations, so if I opt for the CD edition (now on the aftermarket, given that I did not do a pre-order and it's OP prior to pub.) the Sub Press edition will have to go. Haven't yet determined if it's worth it.
    Honestly I think the CD edition will out shine (pun intended) the Sub. Press edition in almost every way. And that's saying a lot because the Sub. Press edition is tremendous. What it really comes down to is all the bonus material, Before and After the Play especially. Plus I like Maitz more than Vinny, but that's neither here nor there. I do like the abundance of art in the Sub. Press edition, especially the smaller pieces like chapter headings etc.

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  • RonClinton
    Originally posted by St. Troy View Post
    This is indeed the "South Park" cover; Google "south park kenny" to see what people are getting at.

    I may lack the vocabulary to make myself clear, but as the lone person (in this thread) that doesn't like this cover, perhaps I can explain why (and, in my case, nothing to do with not wanting to see something different; there is a lot of variety in the small/niche press world, but this is the first thing that screamed "cheap cartoon" to me): I too like the suggestion of "barely restrained violence," but the lack of color gradation lent the whole thing a very unreal "construction paper" feel to me, which undercut whatever else the work might have been able to accomplish. Disaster movies sometimes have poor special effects where you can tell that the building being destroyed isn't a building but a model; if you've had that experience, this (for me) is a similar feeling - I feel like I'm looking at a model or toy, not an illustration of a real thing. If an abridged Shining were somehow produced for 10 year olds, this would be a fitting cover (IMO).

    Again, not trying to talk anyone out of a positive opinion they might have on this piece, just trying to shed some light on how it strikes me.
    No, you're not the only one; as a purchaser of the Sub Press edition, I'm very thankful they didn't use that my mind, it missed the target by a country mile.

    What I haven't determined is if I need to pick up the CD edition or just let the Sub Press edition suffice. I don't have the shelf space anymore to have variations, so if I opt for the CD edition (now on the aftermarket, given that I did not do a pre-order and it's OP prior to pub.) the Sub Press edition will have to go. Haven't yet determined if it's worth it.

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  • bugen
    I'm with you guys in thinking CD's version could be the best that's been done. The two Artist Editions received so far are stellar and among the favorites of any books I've collected. When this DD set is done, even without the king's signature, they'll form a breathtaking library cornerstone. These are well on their way to representing an incredible achievement by CD.

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  • Tommy
    Originally posted by Martin View Post
    So, how long till we see the same book produced with variants copies using different artists? Like what PS is doing with different covers, but all the art is different.

    This comment was 50% tongue in cheek.
    I'm waiting for the announcement any day now.

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  • Martin
    So, how long till we see the same book produced with variants copies using different artists? Like what PS is doing with different covers, but all the art is different.

    This comment was 50% tongue in cheek.

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  • Theli
    I agree with everything you said above, with perhaps the exception of The Dark Tower series. I do like that it has different artists attached to it. I do also, however, think that a uniform edition would also be cool. Actually Vinny Chong's recent foreign editions were quite striking.

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  • Dan Hocker
    Originally posted by Theli View Post
    I would actually argue that point for King. He has several artists that have touched his works. Though admittedly some have done multiple works for him there isn't one specific artist tied to King. However the same could not be said for many fantasy series. Often one artist will illustrate all covers of a series, or if not one artist one style that is emulated by others.
    That's true. But I'm more referring to what the fans call for. Whenever a new King limited is announced, if there isn't immediately a artist attached to the project most everyone just kinda shouts for the same 5 or 6 artists / art styles. I actually think consistent artists across a fantasy series makes sense. In my mind it makes much more sense to have the same artists across books telling parts of the same story, than it does to have a different artist on each book in that series. That doesn't really apply to King though since most of Kings books are standalone stories. I actually would probably like the art on the Dark Tower books more if they used similar styles throughout the whole set. At the end of the day though art is entirely subjective.

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  • Martin
    Originally posted by St. Troy View Post
    This is indeed the "South Park" cover; Google "south park kenny" to see what people are getting at.

    I may lack the vocabulary to make myself clear, but as the lone person (in this thread) that doesn't like this cover, perhaps I can explain why (and, in my case, nothing to do with not wanting to see something different; there is a lot of variety in the small/niche press world, but this is the first thing that screamed "cheap cartoon" to me): I too like the suggestion of "barely restrained violence," but the lack of color gradation lent the whole thing a very unreal "construction paper" feel to me, which undercut whatever else the work might have been able to accomplish. Disaster movies sometimes have poor special effects where you can tell that the building being destroyed isn't a building but a model; if you've had that experience, this (for me) is a similar feeling - I feel like I'm looking at a model or toy, not an illustration of a real thing. If an abridged Shining were somehow produced for 10 year olds, this would be a fitting cover (IMO).

    Again, not trying to talk anyone out of a positive opinion they might have on this piece, just trying to shed some light on how it strikes me.
    I think you stated your case very well.

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