Congrats to all three winners and all the participants as well. This contest was such a good experience for me. I am honored to be in your company. Thank you goes out to Dan for setting this up.
No announcement yet.
Writing Contest Final Round!
I wanted to say several things but I'll go with the most pressing first--thank you all SO much, not only for those of you who voted for my story, but those who read and enjoyed it. I have written various stories but I was always so hesitant on submitting anything for fear it was never good enough. All the positive feedback I've received on this forum since this contest began has done wonders for my attitude and my motivation, and I truly thank you all.
Also, thank you to the folks at Cemetery Dance for this opportunity to begin with. And I am sorry that I wasn't able to contribute to the conversations as much as I would have liked. Two jobs, a guys have obligations as well so I'm sure you understand how tough it can be. But that's why I feel that I really have to make sure you all know how appreciative I am.
And of course, congratulations to the finalists and to everyone who participated in the contest, win or lose. These were a fantastic group of stories and I am so looking forward to reading more of them.
(Nik, I'm looking in your direction...)
Originally posted by WesleySouthard View PostCongrats to all the winners! I'm happy to report my story "By The Throat, with a few corrections here and there, replacing some missing words, ect., was just accepted to the Indiana Horror 2011 anthology! I'm really stoked about this.
Originally posted by WesleySouthard View PostI'm happy to report my story "By The Throat, with a few corrections here and there, replacing some missing words, ect., was just accepted to the Indiana Horror 2011 anthology! I'm really stoked about this.
Originally posted by Nikita View PostI wanted to say several things but I'll go with the most pressing first--thank you all SO much, not only for those of you who voted for my story, but those who read and enjoyed it. I have written various stories but I was always so hesitant on submitting anything for fear it was never good enough. All the positive feedback I've received on this forum since this contest began has done wonders for my attitude and my motivation, and I truly thank you all.
Also, thank you to the folks at Cemetery Dance for this opportunity to begin with. And I am sorry that I wasn't able to contribute to the conversations as much as I would have liked. Two jobs, a guys have obligations as well so I'm sure you understand how tough it can be. But that's why I feel that I really have to make sure you all know how appreciative I am.
And of course, congratulations to the finalists and to everyone who participated in the contest, win or lose. These were a fantastic group of stories and I am so looking forward to reading more of them.
(Nik, I'm looking in your direction...)
I'm a little late to the victory party, but congrats to the winners!Visit my horror/crime fiction blog October Country.
Stalk me on Twitter: @BluGilliand.
Originally posted by copefiend2 View PostDan,
Can you give us an update on the publication of this Chapbook? I know it's around here somewhere but I sure as hell can't find it. My winning book title may be the
closest I ever get to being published so I'm a little bit anxious. Thanks.CD Email: [email protected]
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Originally posted by Dan Hocker View PostLast I asked Brian, all the stories where with the proof reader. I'm hoping we should be able to get this out by the end of the year. It shouldn't take too long once we're through the proof reading / design phase.Looking for the fonting of youth.