Hi guys. Dropped off the radar for a while. Nothing exciting has happened. Caren found me in a sleezy strip-joint called, The Labia-rinth. I was knocking back Old Fashions with a Minotaur and talking about the old days. Would have remained in there for eternity if Caren hadn't turned up and guided me out of the maze of Greek Goddesses using G-Strings to retrace her exit.
Thank you kindly for sending me "Dollhouse." I truly enjoyed the tale, and I would love for it to be a part of Attic Toys. I'll send you a contract shortly.
Thanks again.
That's for the Jeremy C Shipp's edited anthology, Attic Toys, which features some pretty big names.
Also, and this may have been whoed already by Caren, but Dark River Press's first edition features by story, Night Holds a Scythe, which is FREE to download and read. http://www.darkriverpress.com/shop.html
I finally got my foot in the door everyone! My first acceptance came in from Wicked East Press! I'm going to be published in an anthology called Chained In The Attic. I'm over the moon!!!!
I know I've talked about a few things lately, but I have stories coming out in the next few weeks/months at Polluto ("Fireflies"), Slices of Flesh (Dark Moon Books, "Rudy Jenkins Buries His Fears") Weird Fiction Review (Centipede Press, "Flowers for Jessica"), Gargoyle ("Tinkering With the Moon"), Flywheel ("Something's Broken"), and One Buck Horror ("Wicker Park Pause").
Also, keep an eye out for two short story collections in 2012, Staring Into the Abyss, horror from Kraken Press and Herniated Roots, neo-noir, from Snubnose Press.
Will also have an announcement about my second novel soon, in the next month or so.