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  • ozmosis7
    Very cool, Richard. And I agree with Caren, Randy. Beyond what I listed previously, here is some new stuff I have planned that I pulled from a recent Facebook post I made today...

    "Ideas have been brewing lately as fast as my coffee. So I've decided to add many new book ideas to my workload. I continue to write dark fiction, but every once in a while I need a break from what I am doing--mostly editing. So do my minions. They have grown restless and sometimes they need to work on something different. Here is what is on our menu...

    The first of these are 3 new kids books along the lines of Frankie's Alphabet, meant to help children or get them interested in cool new things.

    I am also adding a short book that will detail my ongoing struggle with weight loss, what has worked and what hasn't. I had thought to start a separate page for those interested in discussing weight issues, but as of yet I haven't. We will see what interest there is in it. My goal is to help others get on the right path to healthy weight loss without all the gimmicks that cost hundreds of dollars.

    Another short book will discuss living with a food allergy. It will act as a starter guide for families who need help deciding what situations pose threats to you or your loved one and how to handle them. The information comes from personal experience with my daughter's nut allergy. Hopefully it can help other people avoid some of the potential tragedies.

    After that I hope to take a selection of my photography and create a picture book with the intent of bringing a smile to people's faces."

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  • C.W. LaSart
    Hey Randy! Don't fret about that novel, it will work itself out. My stories are going well, but I need to set a better schedule now that the kids are back in school instead of treating every day like Mom's day off! LOL

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  • RichardThomas

    Nik Korpon reviews my collection, Herniated Roots over at his blog:

    And I review his over at my blog. Check them out!

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  • Randy D. Rubin
    Thanks Ozmo. How've you been lately? What are you working on?

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  • ozmosis7
    Gratz Randy!

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  • Randy D. Rubin
    Good Morning Cee Dub! How's your latest story coming along? My cat Zombie story is writing itself right now. I started a novel but I just don't know how to weave it so it flows like one long fabric if you know what I mean. I'll find it though. I keep reading novels so I can figure out the formula for writing a novel and its like crocheting with three needles or like trying to make soup backwards without broth. It's a bitch.

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  • C.W. LaSart

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  • Randy D. Rubin
    Thank you Copefiend2 (by the way what is your real name; I feel really strange thanking or congratulating you by this ridiculous moniker.) There should be NO SECRETS between writer buddies on the forum! Can I get an Amen from the congregation somewheres in the back? Hallelujah!

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  • Ben Staad
    Originally posted by Randy D. Rubin View Post
    Hey there everyone. This time it seems that Cruentus Libri Press is going to take one of my stories for The Dark Side of the Womb anthology. I'm so happy I could bust! Now that's four so far. What seems weird to me is that this particular story has been rejected so many times for 'nonspecific reasons' by everybody and I sent it out by accident thinking I had sent out a different story and... SUCCESS! From the words of a great prehistoric scholar, "Yabba Dabba DOO!"
    Congrats and very interesting story. It sounds like it was meant to be.

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  • Randy D. Rubin
    Hey there everyone. This time it seems that Cruentus Libri Press is going to take one of my stories for The Dark Side of the Womb anthology. I'm so happy I could bust! Now that's four so far. What seems weird to me is that this particular story has been rejected so many times for 'nonspecific reasons' by everybody and I sent it out by accident thinking I had sent out a different story and... SUCCESS! From the words of a great prehistoric scholar, "Yabba Dabba DOO!"

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  • Ben Staad
    Originally posted by RichardThomas View Post
    very cool
    Originally posted by ozmosis7 View Post
    Congrats! Very cool.

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  • ozmosis7
    Congrats! Very cool.

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  • RichardThomas
    very cool

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  • Ben Staad
    Originally posted by copefiend2 View Post
    Thanks. Very excited about this!
    And please check this out. There is an affordable PB option if anyone is interested. Just saying. LOL.

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  • Ben Staad
    Originally posted by C.W. LaSart View Post
    Way to go!
    Thanks. Very excited about this!

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