Originally posted by Craig Wallwork
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Originally posted by mstrom View PostThis reminds me. For all you folks who have blogs, do you have any recommendations (or probably more important, which to steer clear of) for web hosts? Whenever I finally get around to it, I figured I’d use wordpress, but have never looked into the hosting aspect.I know ppl with the blogsites and they all love it!
Hosting shouldn't really be a big problem until you're getting to the high traffic end of things. The key is, that if you don't know how to install the word press stuff yourself to find a hosting company that will work with you to help you get it set up. I'm a diy guy so I don't really know about that end, but I do know go daddy has some of the cheapest hosting around. For my personal stuff I use hostmonster and have had a very good experience with them.CD Email: [email protected]
Non-Work related social media and what not:
Buy my stuff! - https://www.etsy.com/shop/HockersWoodWorks
I have some google+ invites available if anyone is interested. Will need to PM me with an email and I'll get whoever I can. If you are already there, look me up...
Originally posted by RichardThomas View PostIMO a website updates infrequently whereas a blog updates on a regular basis (daily, weekly, etc.) with more recurring material - pretty similar though, i think
Originally posted by C.W. LaSart View PostI do a weekly blog on my website as well-but I'm not sure how my experience is different than a blog site since I have never used an actual blog site.
Speaking of blogs - I was recently interviewed by a zombie yesterday and you can find it on my blog: http://craigwallwork.blogspot.com/
Also, anyone here on Google+? If you are, I'm here: https://plus.google.com/u/0/114625333796336024988/posts
Just an update on my networking links. Joined Goodreads a few days ago
http://www.goodreads.com/user/show/5760382-robert-kroneWARNING!!! WARNING!!! DO NOT VIEW THIS SPOILER! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!
Spoiler!This is a testSpoiler!only a testSpoiler!SeriouslySpoiler!Ok, fineSpoiler!It's more than thatSpoiler!Or maybe it really is just a testSpoiler!to see how farSpoiler!you are willing to goSpoiler!to see what I say at the endSpoiler!of this very longSpoiler!and pointless signatureSpoiler!you must really want to knowSpoiler!what is so importantSpoiler!that I had toSpoiler!bury itSpoiler!in all these spoiler tagsSpoiler!Nosy little fucker, aren't you?
Great idea! I always seem to get behind on these threads. Here's my info:
Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/user/show/5357606-val
Blog: http://mercuryval.wordpress.com/
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/people/Val-M...00002420890495