That's rough, Kris. Keep plugging away, you'll get it next time. I hope it's a little comforting to know that you got close, especially with so much great competition.
"Dance until your feet hurt. Sing until your lungs hurt. Act until you're William Hurt." - Phil Dunphy ("Modern Family"), from Phil's-osophy.
Thanks, everyone -- it's okay. It was fun getting to dream big for a while. Like Tennyson says, it's better to have submitted and lost than never to have submitted at all.
Thanks, everyone -- it's okay. It was fun getting to dream big for a while. Like Tennyson says, it's better to have submitted and lost than never to have submitted at all.
Out of interest Kris, what was the story about that you submitted?
"I watched Titanic when I got back home from the hospital, and cried. I knew that my IQ had been damaged."
- Stephen King
sorry, KK. you must have gotten really close. be sure to send that story out far and wide. good luck. if you need some ideas, check out my column, especially the horror section:
Out of interest Kris, what was the story about that you submitted?
Haha, well -- I'm editing it again with the hopes of getting it accepted somewhere else, so I won't say too much just now, other than that it had nothing to do with zombies (or anything like them), vampires, werewolves, serial killers, creepy dolls, clowns, aliens, the apocalypse, or the post-apocalypse. I tried reeeeeeeeeally hard to write about something I hadn't read about before but that I thought was supercool. Put a TON of real research into it, too, and then tried to keep the pace pretty light and fast and make it character-driven. Looking back on it now, sure -- I can see some dialogue that needs works, and I've got some better ideas for the ending (bit of a case of a monologuing bad guy at the end, which I'm playing around with getting rid of entirely -- though it's tough not to descend into expositional hell when you've got so much world built out behind the story). Let me rephrase all this: it's basically a mystery, with some light horror at the end. I still think it rocks (they said send our best, and I definitely sent mine); after another draft and some polishing, back out it goes!
Truth be told, during the past few months, I thought about the piece a lot, and I was thinking that it was a shame I hadn't had the time to do one more rewrite on it before the submission window closed.
Now, silver linings-style, I have that chance to make a good story even better.
Nice one Kris, your story sounds very intriguing. I am glad you have not given up with this, as that would be a real shame.
Re-write that thing, get some close friends to proof read it for you and then bang it out to every publisher known to man. I am sure they will be begging to publish your material in due time!
"I watched Titanic when I got back home from the hospital, and cried. I knew that my IQ had been damaged."
- Stephen King
Hi Brian, any news you can share on the stories being processed? No rush, just hadn't seen any updates posted here for a while so I thought I'd ask. Thanks!
Hi Brian, any news you can share on the stories being processed? No rush, just hadn't seen any updates posted here for a while so I thought I'd ask. Thanks!
I know about 20 rejections have gone out, so hopefully we'll get this wrapped up in the next month!