Finished Malorie on audio book yesterday. Malerman is hit and miss for me and I though Bird Box was good but not great. Was in no hurry to get to this one but it was on sale at Audible so I went for it. The story is a true sequel to Bird Box. If you had not read Bird Box you would probably miss a lot of the story in Malorie. I did enjoy this one more than Bird Box. Picking up the story 10 years after the Bird Box ends Malorie tells a compelling story. The are significant plot holes but overall it is a good experience. 4 Stars.
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What audio book are you listening to?
Nothing to see here!Ok, I really can't come up with anymore of these stupid things...
- May 2011
- 8816
Finished up "Tales from the Firezone" by Jonathon Mayberry. I have read "Patient Zero" and a few short stories in the past and enjoyed them. This ew one was free on Audible. It contains five short novellas and sadly not a memorable story in the bunch. 2 Stars at best.
Nothing to see here!Ok, I really can't come up with anymore of these stupid things...
- May 2011
- 8816
Rose Madder is the only King book that I absolutely hated. I remember it starting well and then just going horribly wrong. I have wanted to give it another go for some time to see if my views have changed. Decided to try it on Audible. One interesting surprise is that although it is not mentioned on Audible there are two narrators. The portions from the husbands viewpoint are read by Stephen King. So for the first half of the book I was loving it and thinking maybe this isn't as bad as I remember. I am a little over half way through it and it has begun to derail. The first half was so good I am holding hope that it does not go as bad as I remember.
Nothing to see here!Ok, I really can't come up with anymore of these stupid things...
- May 2011
- 8816
So I actually upped my rating on Rose Madder from one star to two. With a second read I now remember why I dislike this story so much. It is a good story about an abused wife escaping her abusive husband and his pursuit of her. The problem is that the story goes off on acid trips a couple of times. Those trips basically pull me out of the story being told and into a trippy experience that has no rhyme or reason. If this was told as straight with only minor supernatural elements I would have loved it. That makes me hate it even more! I have now read this story twice, I will not return to this one.
I then listened to the audio of Driving to Geronimo's Grave by Joe R. Lansdale. This is a collection of novellas from Mr. Lansdale. Each story has an introduction from the author. Jeff Terry stated in his review that these would be better as afterword's and while I see his point I am also fine with having them before the story. In fact I think his introduction to 'In The Mad Mountains' is worth the price of admission alone. It contains a group of diverse stories that run the gamut from historical fiction to Science Fiction. There is not a weak story in the bunch! If you like Lansdale you should read this one.
Nothing to see here!Ok, I really can't come up with anymore of these stupid things...
- May 2011
- 8816
Finished C.J. Tudor's 'The Other People' and have mixed feelings about the story. It had the same vibe as some of Peter Straub's ,more abstract work. While it told a story it also wandered off at times. Overall probably 2 stars out of 5 for me. I will try another Tudor story at some point and reserve final judgement until then.
Have started a non-fiction book titled 'Behind Japanese Lines With The OSS in Burma'. This is the story of Detachment 101 which was the first clandestine special force of the OSS and chronicles there efforts to halt Japans advancement into China. So far it is covering US, UK and Kachin forces working together in Burma against Japanese forces. Only about 10% in but very interesting so far.Last edited by Martin; 06-06-2021, 02:02 AM.
Nothing to see here!Ok, I really can't come up with anymore of these stupid things...
- May 2011
- 8816
The only Jonathon Janz story I have read was when I was gifted an e-book ARC of his first novel 'The Sorrows'. I enjoyed 'The Sorrows' but it definitely felt like it was written by a writer who had not found his voice yet. At the time I new I would revisit the author in the future to see if he had found his voice. Close to a decade later I have finally returned. I am listening to the audio of 'Children of the Dark' and am loving it!
Originally posted by Martin View Post
Please let me know if you like. I used to read everything he put out but kinda burned out and haven't read anything in several years. Been thinkin about a revisit.
Nothing to see here!Ok, I really can't come up with anymore of these stupid things...
- May 2011
- 8816
Listening to "A Life in Cinema" by Mick Garris. The first story is narrated by Matt Frewer and he does a great job. The story was middling but I enjoy Mick Garris's writing so I am still hoping for some good tales.
Originally posted by Martin View Post
I had not even heard of that one. Will have to check out the Grisham novels I have not read and see what I may want to give a read.