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Rate the Last Movie You Saw

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    WHAT YOU WISH FOR (2023): I always try to include some genre-adjacent thriller movies into the mix during Halloween to break up the regular ghosts and monsters and whatnot. I find this especially helfpul when cranking through four or more horror movies a week. My first thriller selection is this film that I happened to miss when it was playing at Fantastic Fest last year. While I heard that this wasn't a stunner, I've always enjoyed Nick Stahl in almost everything I've seen him in (even in DISTURBING BEHAVIOR, which I really need to revisit) and was happy to see him return to acting after such a long absence, especially in WHAT JOSAIH SAW (2021). Now, that film had its flaws, but it had a wicked mean streak and it has grown in my appreciation over time. Unfortunately, this one, for me, toes the line between working well and just not working at all. I'll keep plot details light because going in as blind as possible is always recommended. Stahl plays a chef on the skids from a gambling debt seeking some relief from an old, and rather prosperous, friend in an unnamed Latin American country, only to find himself caught up in the friend's nefarious doings. First, I will say that Stahl continues to handle himself well and the centerpiece of the movie, while not perfect, gets darn close to firing on all cylinders. Unfortunately, the beginning of the film fails to set up what the ending needs to pay off, leaving the movie to finish on a deflated note rather than the much needed kick in the ribs it aims for. The movie is frustrating precisely because you can see how good it could have been. I'm still rather torn on the movie and can't quite decide where it'll land on repeat viewings, descending down or moving up despite its flaws. GRADE: C-


      I watched THE FRANKENSTEIN COMPLEX on Prime the other night, a great documentary about special make-up effects in Horror films. Lots of fun.
      Last night was an unlikely double-feature: The new Max movie CADDO LAKE, which was really good. Do yourself a favor, and watch it without seeing a trailer or reading a description. Just let it unfold. I figured out what was going on about halfway through, but the film was still absorbing enough to hold my interest, and the ending pulled it all together perfectly.
      Then I watched a strange 1940 picture on TCM called YOU'LL FIND OUT, which features bandleader Kay Kyser playing a 21st birthday gig at your typical old dark house, with party guests Boris Karloff, Bela Lugosi, and Peter Lorre. As weird and fun as I expected, this one is highly recommended if you're in the mood for an oddball bit of fluff. The musical numbers were a lot of fun.


        I went on a bit of a Mike Mignola bender over the past two nights. First I bought the new Hellboy film, HELLBOY: THE CROOKED MAN.
        I had low expectations...the film is obviously low-budget, and went straight to home viewing, skipping theaters. But it cost twenty bucks, cheaper than it would have been to see it in a theater, I'm a HUGE Mike Mignola fan, and Amazon sent me a six dollar digital film voucher, so the stars aligned.

        Annnnd.....It was WAY better than I could have hoped.

        The smaller scale and budget suited the story perfectly. The source material is one of my favorite Hellboy stories, basically an Appalachian folk-horror tale, and the adaptation is fairly faithful. The effects, aside from a jinky-looking giant CGI spider in the opening scene, are well done, and the actors all acquit themselves well. I'm sure this will be a one-and-done, but I wouldn't mind seeing more from the same team. Your mileage may vary, but I really enjoyed it, and I can see myself watching it again.

        That put me in the mood for DRAWING MONSTERS, a documentary about Mike Mignola's career and the creation and rise of Hellboy. Really well made, and I loved it.


          Watched the Terrifier.

          Hack, slash, and not much going on. There where some creepy scenes, interesting things, but overall not much to be excited about.
          Looking for the fonting of youth.


            Originally posted by Ben Staad View Post
            Watched the Terrifier.

            Hack, slash, and not much going on. There where some creepy scenes, interesting things, but overall not much to be excited about.
            Have never seen any of the Terrifier films and have always wondered if they were just one big gore fest. I'm sure that I may watch one at some point, but I'm not in a hurry.


              The first two TERRIFIER films are fun, but the second was sooooo long. Way longer than a slasher film should ever be. Going to see the third this weekend, hopefully.


                I watched ODDITY on Shudder last night. MAN, this really hit the sweet spot for me. I loved it! Like CADDO LAKE, probably best if you go in knowing nothing, like I did. Highly recommended!


                  Originally posted by dannyboy121070 View Post
                  I watched ODDITY on Shudder last night. MAN, this really hit the sweet spot for me. I loved it! Like CADDO LAKE, probably best if you go in knowing nothing, like I did. Highly recommended!
                  Good to hear! It's slotted into my Halloween viewing for this year, but a little bit closer to Halloween itself. Typing this up right now, I'm realizing just how far behind I am on posting my movie reviews for this year. I always start out with the best intentions and then life gets in the way! Hoping to get caught up this week. Unfortunately, not today, though. I have an essay that's calling my name.

