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Rate the Last Movie You Saw

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  • Sock Monkey
    Today I watched THE FRIENDS OF EDDIE COYLE, a 1973 crime film starring Robert Mitchum. It wasn’t what I thought it was going to be, but I liked it all the same. I actually liked it quite a bit. Mitchum’s performance is so understated and convincing. And there’s a moment that genuinely caught me by surprise. The Criterion Blu-ray had a solid transfer, though like with most 70s films I felt the audio was a little subdued for my taste.

    if you like 70s crime movies, this needs to be on your list to check out.

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  • Sock Monkey
    Originally posted by dannyboy121070 View Post
    I forgot to cancel my Shudder trial, so now I've got 30 days to kill watching Horror movies. I watched MANDY and THE HEADHUNTER.....Holy shit, what wastes of time those were. MANDY had about 30 minutes of story, if that, and it felt like a LAWRENCE OF ARABIA-length wannabe epic made by some random guy running around the woods and a quarry with a go-pro. Whacked-out and crazy, and not in a good way. THE HEADHUNTER......I won't say much, for fear of spoilers, but this was another one that was waaaay too dragged out, and it was barely 70 minutes. There are literally TWO people in this film, and one of them appears for maybe 60 seconds. After seeing the hero do the same three things over and over five times, I got it. But then they show him doing the same three things a few more times....Oy. The last 10 minutes were pretty clever, but this was not suited to be a feature film.
    Ouch. Not the two movies I’d have recommended. But no one can say you didn’t swing for fences with those two choices. MANDY is not the most accessible film. There are interesting ideas and some solid moments, but overall it didn’t work for me either.

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  • Sock Monkey
    Originally posted by Brian861 View Post

    You'll probably be ok then and the movie really isn't that far off from the book. The book just made me feel a lot more for the characters then the movie ever would have alone. Plus they wanted to tie the movie in with The Shining movie which I detest. Lots of King fans don't care for this book either but it's one of his best for me.
    I think Flanagan was stuck between a rock and a hard place with the connection to The Shining. He had to balance the loyalty to the fans of both Stephen King and those that only really know The Shining through the Kubrick film.

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  • Sock Monkey
    Originally posted by dannyboy121070 View Post

    Yeah, the Hellraiser and Savini documentaries are on my radar, and I'm still chipping away at Creepshow....I'm amazed by how low-budget it is.
    The Hellraiser doc is rather in depth. I believe it’s two parts. I really liked it. It’s not revolutionary, but a solid watch. HORROR NOIRE was a good doc as well.

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  • Brian861
    Knives Out and The King of Staten Island for me tonight.

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