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Rate the Last Movie You Saw

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  • sholloman81
    Finally got around to watching " A Quiet Place II" this weekend. While not a bad movie by any means, I was a bit underwhelmed. Nothing really surprising in the movie whatsoever. Felt a bit paint by numbers to me. I also felt that a lot of the characters actions weren't very realistic to the situations they were in. Also, I found the little boy in this movie to be really annoying and was really hoping that a monster would take him out. Overall, while I am happy that I saw the sequel, I much preferred the first movie (as is usually the case).

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  • Sock Monkey
    Originally posted by dannyboy121070 View Post
    I've watched so many movies (For me, at least...) this week that I can't even remember them all. I've been chipping away at the massive documentary IN SEARCH OF DARKNESS II, which is amazing. I & II are highly recommended to fans of '80s Horror films. I watched RAWHEAD REX, which I may or may not have seen when it first came out- Cheesy as hell, but nowhere near as bad as it is made out to be. What else.....The ASSEMBLED episode that documents the making of the LOKI Disney + series, ABBOT AND COSTELLO MEET FRANKENSTEIN, which still makes me laugh, and THE SUICIDE SQUAD on HBO Max, which was awesomely fun.

    There were also two '80s films that I was prompted to watch after seeing them in IN SEARCH OF DARKNESS II, but I have completely forgotten about them already. Troubling....
    I’ve been working my way through the first IN SEARCH OF DARKNESS and have been liking it quite a bit. For some reason I thought this was just going to be a love letter to the Slasher sub-genre. I’m not really a fan of slashers so I had been putting this doc off. I’m glad I got around to watching it because definitely a broader look at the genre.

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  • Sock Monkey
    Originally posted by Ben Staad View Post
    Watched I See You on Amazon. It was entertaining enough but way to much stuff left out to make it great. Fairly creepy, interesting story, and was good enough for a few hours.The sound track/atmospheric noises were overused and stole a little bit from the movie in my opinion. There were a few scenes that I just muted because there was no dialogue and just "spooky" noises.
    I’ve heard a lot talk about this one and picked up the UK Blu-ray from Arrow’s last sale. Haven’t had a chance to sit down with it yet.

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  • dannyboy121070
    Originally posted by Ben Staad View Post
    It was wife day to control the television content.

    We did a re-watch of The Dark Tower. Which I find more enjoyable each time I watch it. Very odd for me to like something more on rewatches. 3.5 out of 5 stars. Still not the story I wanted, and still has a few head scratching scenes, but overall an enjoyable visit to a place I hold near and dear to my heart.

    Jaws 2 re-watch. Still as boring as ever. 1.5 out of 5 stars. Not sure how my wife could sit through this movie completely enthralled by it.
    I'm with your wife...I love JAWS 2. Yeah, it's no JAWS, but still....well-done.

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  • dannyboy121070
    I've watched so many movies (For me, at least...) this week that I can't even remember them all. I've been chipping away at the massive documentary IN SEARCH OF DARKNESS II, which is amazing. I & II are highly recommended to fans of '80s Horror films. I watched RAWHEAD REX, which I may or may not have seen when it first came out- Cheesy as hell, but nowhere near as bad as it is made out to be. What else.....The ASSEMBLED episode that documents the making of the LOKI Disney + series, ABBOT AND COSTELLO MEET FRANKENSTEIN, which still makes me laugh, and THE SUICIDE SQUAD on HBO Max, which was awesomely fun.

    There were also two '80s films that I was prompted to watch after seeing them in IN SEARCH OF DARKNESS II, but I have completely forgotten about them already. Troubling....

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  • Ben Staad
    It was wife day to control the television content.

    We did a re-watch of The Dark Tower. Which I find more enjoyable each time I watch it. Very odd for me to like something more on rewatches. 3.5 out of 5 stars. Still not the story I wanted, and still has a few head scratching scenes, but overall an enjoyable visit to a place I hold near and dear to my heart.

    Jaws 2 re-watch. Still as boring as ever. 1.5 out of 5 stars. Not sure how my wife could sit through this movie completely enthralled by it.

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  • Ben Staad
    Watched I See You on Amazon. It was entertaining enough but way to much stuff left out to make it great. Fairly creepy, interesting story, and was good enough for a few hours.The sound track/atmospheric noises were overused and stole a little bit from the movie in my opinion. There were a few scenes that I just muted because there was no dialogue and just "spooky" noises.

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  • TacomaDiver
    Originally posted by Sock Monkey View Post
    Just rewatched the first Mission: Impossible movie and it was exactly what I remembered: decent spy action movie but not a lot of substance. Some of the set pieces are fun, but there’s just not a lot to make the viewer invested in whether or not poor Tom Cruise gets out of the pickle he’s in. Grade: C+
    I believe it's the third one (or maybe the fourth) where the series figures out what it wants to be. It's similar to the Fast and Furious movies - took a few before the series "got it" and it became more than it started out to be.

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  • dannyboy121070
    Originally posted by Sock Monkey View Post
    SATOR seems to be pretty polarizing. I’ve heard people rave about it and others, like you, hate it. It’s in my queue but it’ll probably be a while before I get to it. I’m trying to make a concerted effort to get through my backlog of unwatched dvds and Blu-ray’s. I’ve probably got around 35 waiting to be watched, some stretching back 12+ years.

    Ditto on the Blu-Rays and DVDs.....I have over a thousand, and since the player is in the living room, and the TV I can never get near (In addition to my wife dominating that TV, the Switch is also hooked up there, so I have gaming kids to compete with....), I never get to watch any of them.
    Last night I watched an old hidden gem favorite of mine on Amazon Prime, REMO WILLIAMS: THE ADVENTURE BEGINS. I never get tired of watching that film. In an better world, it would have kicked off a franchise and spawned a series of sequels.....If you haven't seen it, give it a go. Tremendous fun.

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  • Sock Monkey
    SATOR seems to be pretty polarizing. I’ve heard people rave about it and others, like you, hate it. It’s in my queue but it’ll probably be a while before I get to it. I’m trying to make a concerted effort to get through my backlog of unwatched dvds and Blu-ray’s. I’ve probably got around 35 waiting to be watched, some stretching back 12+ years.

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  • dannyboy121070
    My Wife is monopolizing the TV 24/7 watching the Olympics, so I've been venturing out into my summer sanctuary (The sunroom...) and watching movies at night.

    I've heard great things about a film on Shudder called SATOR, so I gave it a spin,, that was some boring shit. Very atmospheric, and alllllllmost worth watching for a brief shock towards the end, but I kept checking the time to see when this would end. Dud.

    On the other hand, I watched a weird Dutch film on Shudder called UNCAGED, which features a monstrous man-eating Lion on the loose in Amsterdam. Good creature-feature, decent Lion effects, and the gore and the final showdown were bonkers. A lot of fun. (One nitpick that most people won't even notice- I collect movie soundtracks, so I'm very attuned to film scores. The Director of UNCAGED also scored it, and the awful, wildly inappropriate score just drove me crazy.)

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  • Sock Monkey
    Just rewatched the first Mission: Impossible movie and it was exactly what I remembered: decent spy action movie but not a lot of substance. Some of the set pieces are fun, but there’s just not a lot to make the viewer invested in whether or not poor Tom Cruise gets out of the pickle he’s in. Grade: C+

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  • Martin
    Thanks guys. When I go for it I will watch the 1982 version.

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  • dannyboy121070
    Originally posted by Martin View Post

    I have no issue with Tom Cruise and have enjoyed several movies he is in. With that said I have absolutely no interest in Jerry Maguire. Just checked on demand to see if I could watch The Thing. Found there are three versions of the movie. 1982 which is the one I was aware of. A remake in 2001 that I had somehow missed and one made in 1951. Anybody have thoughts on which one I should watch as I probably will only watch one version.
    The original is a fun time, but the Carpenter version is the way to go. The 2011 one is supposed to be a prequel that plays more like a straight remake, and I haven't had a chance to watch it yet.

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  • Sock Monkey
    Originally posted by Martin View Post

    I have no issue with Tom Cruise and have enjoyed several movies he is in. With that said I have absolutely no interest in Jerry Maguire. Just checked on demand to see if I could watch The Thing. Found there are three versions of the movie. 1982 which is the one I was aware of. A remake in 2001 that I had somehow missed and one made in 1951. Anybody have thoughts on which one I should watch as I probably will only watch one version.
    John Carpenter’s version from 1982 is considered the best, which is the one I’d recommend. Probably my favorite horror movie of all time.

    The original has its merits as well. Beyond the conceit of finding in alien frozen in ice, they’re pretty much completely different films. I haven’t seen the one from 2001 and heard it’s pretty much a boring remake of the Carpenter version.

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