Tuesday 21june--time to get ready for The Two Towers. Finished Dreamcatcher just in time. I'll take Watchers with me, but the freaks and zombies that always turn up at these showings will probably prevent me from reading.......
But then, the Two Towers was my least favorite of the three films. But I stayed long enough to see your name on the big screen, frik--then off to the little orcs room for a much needed break, then home again, home again, jiggety-jig.
My family and I are bummed that we forgot that they were showing the LOTR on the big screen. I LOVE LOTR, but it is funny because when it 1st came out, I had no desire whatsoever to see it (and I hadn't read the books), but my husband finally talked me into going and seeing the movie and of course, I loved it. But....at the end of the Fellowship of the Ring, I looked at my husband and said, "Uh, what happened to Sam and Frodo?!?!?!". I didn't realize it was a trilogy. Now I like LOTR more than my husband does.
There's still The Return of the King on 28June. Originally I was going to see only that one because my schedule wouldn't allow for the other two, but I managed to clear it.
Yeah, we might have to AT LEAST try to see ROTK. It would just be so awesome to see it again on the big screen. I wish they would show these on the big screen annually. What other movies would y'all like to see them show again on the big screen?
That will be cool. I saw at some of the Cinemarks, that they are going to be showing all the Harry Potter movies in a row on the Wed and Thur before Deathly Hallows, part 2 comes out right up to midnight and then part 2 will be shown to round out all the movies. My son really wants to go, but I don't think I can sit ina theater for that long....