I totally get how some people would find WWZ off putting because it is not a traditional horror novel but rather more of a war novel, I like war novels and have read a few over the years and I'm sure some people on here have as well. I found it a brilliant idea to connect the two, that is war and zombies but it is defiantly more slanted towards the War aspect with multiple characters and stories, no real leads etc, it's almost like that great old War movie where Burgess Meredith plays Ernie Pyle, the war-time correspondent, called The Story of GI Joe but with Zombies thrown in, Zombies are a focus but they aren't the main focus, the main focus is the ordinary people in the midst of an extraordinary War. All that being said, it does all come down to tastes and who likes what, I think all horror fans should give it a try and they might be pleasantly surprised. Anyone read Dark Advent?
I totally get how some people would find WWZ off putting because it is not a traditional horror novel but rather more of a war novel, I like war novels and have read a few over the years and I'm sure some people on here have as well. I found it a brilliant idea to connect the two, that is war and zombies but it is defiantly more slanted towards the War aspect with multiple characters and stories, no real leads etc, it's almost like that great old War movie where Burgess Meredith plays Ernie Pyle, the war-time correspondent, called The Story of GI Joe but with Zombies thrown in, Zombies are a focus but they aren't the main focus, the main focus are the ordinary people in the midst of an extraordinary War. All that being said, it does all come down to tastes and who likes what, I think all horror fans should give it a try and they might be pleasantly surprised. Anyone read Dark Advent?
WWZ wasn't a good zombie novel; it wasn't a good war novel; and it stunk as faux-journalism. A few of the characters might have made an interesting novel, though. Like the "Gardener of the Gods."
i've seen the movie trailer a couple times and that is what piqued my interest in it. It's one that I'm excited to see. Based on the positive and negative reviews, it sounds like it's something that I wouldn't care for so maybe I'll just get the ebook and take a stab at it.
Now to get an opinion on Dark Advent. Anyone???
WWZ wasn't a good zombie novel; it wasn't a good war novel; and it stunk as faux-journalism. A few of the characters might have made an interesting novel, though. Like the "Gardener of the Gods."
Wow and I agree also. I did not care at all for WWZ. I think Brian Keene did a better job with The Rising and City of the Dead. By the way The Rising is being rereleased by Deadite press later this month. The version Brian wanted to put out originally.I agree that wwz did not work as a war story either at least for me. Harry Turtledove did war better in his alt. history of the civil war and so on. It is funny how a book can have people so for or against it. Does anybody feel in the middle on this one?
Go with the Brian Hodge book. I think he writes great novels.As I said before I do not car to much for his shorter works but his novels are great.
I used to wanna read WWZ, but the slant on being journalism-related has completely negated that desire. And that you don't really get too heavily into any one character from what I understand. If I want to read a lot of journalism type stuff I can read the paper! I have nothing against a fake newspaper story or journal entry in a novel, but don't want the whole thing to be done like that. Something like that should be a minor part, at least for me. The part of The Passage by Justin Cronin was a little difficult to get through for me. I loved that book though except for that whole part of the book. Would have been fine if it had been a couple journal entries and news stories, but oh well.
WWZ wasn't a good zombie novel; it wasn't a good war novel; and it stunk as faux-journalism. A few of the characters might have made an interesting novel, though. Like the "Gardener of the Gods."
Still haven't finished, but even though I agree, I still caved and ordered the signed limited edition from CD, as well as the survival guide and 15 Year celebration. Figured if I'm gonna cave on one I may as well cave on em all at once because its less shipping when I order them all at once and it's not like I had to pay for the books. Just felt I needed to have it for my zombie collection since it may turn out to be a huge movie.
I've heard good reviews for WWZ from people I know in person, but I am waiting to get my copy from CD to read it. I was a little sceptical at first, but I will give it a shot.
I forget where it was posted, but I work tonight. What time are are you CD-types making this big announcement tomorrow? I'd just like to know how much sleep I'm gonna get!
Yes what Squire said. I have to work tonight and will be getting home around 9:30 in the morning. Should I turn on my computer and wait or will I be able to get a few hours sleep?
I forget where it was posted, but I work tonight. What time are are you CD-types making this big announcement tomorrow? I'd just like to know how much sleep I'm gonna get!
Yes what Squire said. I have to work tonight and will be getting home around 9:30 in the morning. Should I turn on my computer and wait or will I be able to get a few hours sleep?