Very cool. Now you have someone to get on your case when all those packages arrive.
Boy CD was busy sending out e-mail updates today. I think I got 6 at least.Nice that they keep us informed. Plus I did not realize how much I have ordered.
In a somewhat related comment to the Robin above.... Yesterday just outside where I live, a 3 foot long snapping turtle caused a minor 3 vehicle accident, sending one to hospital!
Snappers are like the T-rex of the turtle world. We were poking one with a broomstick when I was a kid and it snapped it like a tooth pick, gave me some instant respect. I am surprised there would be that large a turtle that far north.
In a somewhat related comment to the Robin above.... Yesterday just outside where I live, a 3 foot long snapping turtle caused a minor 3 vehicle accident, sending one to hospital!
A 3 foot turtle!!!!??? Didn't know they made 'em that big around here.
Someone near where I lived in Illinois happened upon what he thought was a dead snapping turtle on the road. He decided to take it somewhere to be taken care of, so he pulled over and put the turtle in the passenger seat of his car. After a couple of minutes of driving he looked over and the turtle was up on the center console staring at him. It most of snapped at him because he lost control of his car and crashed into some shrubbery.
I've seen some big ass turtles while fishing, tail to head 3 feet is not unimaginable, but it is damn big. They love hanging around me, eating minnows and some of the fish we catch and release that are two weak to swim away before being munched.
[QUOTE=paperdragon;51317]Snappers are like the T-rex of the turtle world. We were poking one with a broomstick when I was a kid and it snapped it like a tooth pick, gave me some instant respect. I am surprised there would be that large a turtle that far north.
I don't really consider, where I am that far north at all. We are actually farther south than something like 15 US states (or a dozen states lie north of here?). Almost same latitude as Sacramento, CA. But still, I never really realized that turtles that big actually lived around here.
Huzzah! My back orders from Dark Region are finally on their way! First one yesterday and the second today. Can't wait for Joe McKinney's Crooked House and Rick Hautala's Glimpses.