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  • Ben Staad
    I am gutted. Another great gone. Always hoped for that follow-up to Black House. The man could tell a story for sure.

    Originally posted by sholloman81 View Post
    Just read that Peter Straub died! Damn, I hope that it is untrue, but, the sources seem reliable. Am very bummed as this a favorite author for sure. I know it was not his most popular book; however, I still think about The Skylark all the time.

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  • sholloman81
    Just read that Peter Straub died! Damn, I hope that it is untrue, but, the sources seem reliable. Am very bummed as this a favorite author for sure. I know it was not his most popular book; however, I still think about The Skylark all the time.
    Last edited by sholloman81; 09-06-2022, 10:21 PM.

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  • Ben Staad
    Best of luck to you. Hope it can be worked out quickly.

    Originally posted by c marvel View Post
    Well I really do have a medical issue this time. I've been experiencing an unusual problem for a guy. I had my first visit with a nurse practicioner this week about the issue and I see a specialist in three weeks. I'm done with the quack doctor who scared me earlier this year....I fired him!


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  • Dave1442397
    Originally posted by c marvel View Post
    Well I really do have a medical issue this time. I've been experiencing an unusual problem for a guy. I had my first visit with a nurse practicioner this week about the issue and I see a specialist in three weeks. I'm done with the quack doctor who scared me earlier this year....I fired him!

    Good luck. I hate medical stuff. I almost passed out at my daughter's dermatologist appointment when they started talking about mole removal. I asked them to stop talking about it for a minute, and when they looked at me they said I was as gray as a corpse.

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  • c marvel
    Well I really do have a medical issue this time. I've been experiencing an unusual problem for a guy. I had my first visit with a nurse practicioner this week about the issue and I see a specialist in three weeks. I'm done with the quack doctor who scared me earlier this year....I fired him!


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  • RonClinton
    Originally posted by c marvel View Post
    Aarrghhhh.... Can't remember the new CD discount code and there is a book I want to purchase this evening. ~Cap

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  • Chuggers

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  • c marvel
    Aarrghhhh.... Can't remember the new CD discount code and there is a book I want to purchase this evening. ~Cap

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  • sholloman81
    Adam Cesare's Clown in a Cornfield 2: Frendo Lives is out today! Just picked-up my copy! Am super excited for this one as I really enjoyed the first book (which actually ended up winning a Stoker award in its category).

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  • TacomaDiver
    That's an awesome addition Ron - congrats!

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  • RonClinton
    Originally posted by mhatchett View Post
    Life is good when the Book Gods shine on us LOL!!
    This was like a sun flare.

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  • mhatchett
    Life is good when the Book Gods shine on us LOL!!

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  • RonClinton
    Originally posted by mhatchett View Post

    Wow Congrats, was it Ronald Kelly?
    Good guess, and I would still someday like to get my hands on that Thunderstorm Essential Ronald Kelly series, but no, it’s not Kelly. It’s not even horror, for that matter (though Lansdale and FPW and Joyce Carol Oates did contribute).

    I picked up volumes 1 to 35 of the signed/numbered HC editions of the Bibliomystery Series from Mysterious Bookshop:

    …and at a heckuva sweet deal.

    I also have three others beyond 35 (currently up to 42 volumes), so have a few more to pick up to make it a complete set.

    This series has been on my radar for many years, but I didn’t really consider pursuing it until recently. Then this instant-collection deal showed up, and I couldn’t pass it up.

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  • Sock Monkey
    Originally posted by RonClinton View Post
    Well, I just made I believe my largest limited-edition purchase ever…in number of books in one single buy, anyhow: 35 signed and numbered hardcovers (a series).

    One for the record books.
    Wow! That's awesome!

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  • mhatchett
    Originally posted by RonClinton View Post
    Well, I just made I believe my largest limited-edition purchase ever…in number of books in one single buy, anyhow: 35 signed and numbered hardcovers (a series).

    One for the record books.
    Wow Congrats, was it Ronald Kelly?

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