Sounds nuts but had my wife go trade in her car today for a newer model. Same make but something newer. They were giving some screaming deals that seemed to good to pass up. She was almost out of warranty on the old car, it needed a little work, and new tires.
She now has a brand new car, new warranty, same monthly payment, nothing down, and no payments for 3 months. We had 24 payments left on the old one now we have 60 so they will get there money assuming things straighten back out.
I know people have opinions on financing a vehicle but, at least from my experience, they are all money pits. I've tried in the past paying off vehicles, maintaining them, and setting aside what my payments would have been. However both of those experiences just resulted in me dumping my "saved" money right back into the vehicle for repairs.
My wife's car will be paid off in 10 months and we will not be getting another one. She doesn't work so the mileage is minimal that she puts on it each year. My truck will be paid off in two years and I'm thinking I'll gladly pay the upkeep on it. We are thinking of getting a motorcycle at some point after that. Although, I'd really like a Camaro ZL1
Something coming in from CD tomorrow and not clue as to what it might be.
I have two books in transit from CD at the moment. The first made it to Seattle back on the 26th so I should have had it a couple of days later. Instead it arrived in Albuquerque New Mexico on the 28th and left Albuquerque on the 29th. Have to assume the book is a big fan of Breaking Bad.
The second one left Seattle this morning. We will see where it decides to venture off to.
I have two books in transit from CD at the moment. The first made it to Seattle back on the 26th so I should have had it a couple of days later. Instead it arrived in Albuquerque New Mexico on the 28th and left Albuquerque on the 29th. Have to assume the book is a big fan of Breaking Bad.
The second one left Seattle this morning. We will see where it decides to venture off to.
Umm some things that have shipped recently are copies of Damage and Dread, The Little Green Book, and Lost and Lonely TPB's. That's just off the top of my head. I'm sure there's some other stuff too.
I ordered Triple Shot by Ross Klavan, Tim O’Mara, and Charles Salzberg. The indy bookstore I ordered from is waiting for the three authors to get together-They all live nearby and meet on a regular basis-So they can sign Triple Shot for me. The bookstore owner told me another 3 novella book is coming from these authors in 2021. Tonight I was totally caught by surprise-These authors also did Three Strikes: 3 AUTHORS, 3 NOVELLAS by Ross Klavan, Tim O’Mara and Charles Salzberg (September 2018). I will see about getting Three Strikes too. Wow!
I can see a point where I will no longer be even this active on the internet. The linking of things, targeted ads, and formatting everything with preference to phones and tablets is not my preference. I own a flip phone and hated smart phones. Feels like I am being forced to link everything to google or FB and that I need to have some type of touchscreen to navigate most places anymore. I have no social media accounts other than here and a few other forums.
I can see a point where I will no longer be even this active on the internet. The linking of things, targeted ads, and formatting everything with preference to phones and tablets is not my preference. I own a flip phone and hated smart phones. Feels like I am being forced to link everything to google or FB and that I need to have some type of touchscreen to navigate most places anymore. I have no social media accounts other than here and a few other forums.
The tactics feel exclusionary.
Interesting. I spend probably just as much time navigating the interenet with my computer as I do my phone, and I can honestly say that I have not experienced that. Generally speaking mobile websites still generally feel like an afterthought at best, and are generally lacking the functionality of the full desktop versions.
Interesting. I spend probably just as much time navigating the interenet with my computer as I do my phone, and I can honestly say that I have not experienced that. Generally speaking mobile websites still generally feel like an afterthought at best, and are generally lacking the functionality of the full desktop versions.
Interesting. I spend probably just as much time navigating the interenet with my computer as I do my phone, and I can honestly say that I have not experienced that. Generally speaking mobile websites still generally feel like an afterthought at best, and are generally lacking the functionality of the full desktop versions.
Mobile websites are and will continue to be an afterthought. Before businesses were fully up to speed with mobile browsing App's took over. Most companies switched their development effort from mobile sights to App's. At this point I expect very little new development on mobile websites.
Pretty much all development is fearing the customer experience to touchscreen. I have rarely found that to be to the detriment of keyboard navigation. The pushing you to link to Google or Facebook is a real issue. Not for smaller operations like Cemetery Dance but most larger companies like the additional revenue they get by helping the large data gatherers to gain more data. Even without you logging in via those accounts they are already gathering your information in most cases. Try using any search engine to look for a specific item and look at several options. Then go to any webpage that presents ads. You will find they are now presenting you ads for the products you were searching for. Truth be told most of society looks at this as a plus, they like seeing targeted ads and do not care that there information is being collected, aggregated and sold. Our internet data is a commodity, just not one we see any money from.