Originally posted by Ben Staad
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Originally posted by mhatchett View PostIt's too Dang hot to do anything outside. Perfect excuse to play in the shelves!!
[ATTACH=CONFIG]21605[/ATTACH]Twitter: https://twitter.com/ron_clinton
Originally posted by mhatchett View PostThanks Ron! I'm trying to get them all together, got a ways to go lol!!
R.e. your Centipede titles: I continue to wonder if I made the right decision in passing on the Nolan MoTW volume ("But I already have every one of his collections, so presumably it'd be all reprints," I reasoned...same reasoning I used in the Leiber MoTW set) and the Blackburn novels (cool series, but I've tried him twice and just can't get into his work, for some odd reason...you'd think macabre mysteries would be right up my alley). I find myself kicking myself more often these days for passing on both. Btw, I'm curious: What is the book on the immediate left of the lower-shelf stack? I don't immediately recognize the spine...Twitter: https://twitter.com/ron_clinton
Originally posted by mhatchett View PostRon, it's Fritz Leiber Masters of Science Fiction.
leiber.jpgTwitter: https://twitter.com/ron_clinton
Originally posted by mhatchett View PostIt's too Dang hot to do anything outside. Perfect excuse to play in the shelves!!
[ATTACH=CONFIG]21605[/ATTACH]Originally posted by RonClinton View PostOdd, mine doesn't look like that at all. You have some sort of yellow cloud obscuring most of the upper half of the spine, and my edition doesn't have anything like that on the spine. I wonder if Jerad had two version of djs or...?
Originally posted by Sock Monkey View PostHere is my requisite post clearly stating my envy of both of your Centipede books. I am still kicking myself for not picking up the Leiber Masters of the Weird Tale and Masters of Science Fiction books. Now they tend to show up on the aftermarket at prices that are a little too high. The MotWT might be a little easier to swallow at the higher price points, but the MoSF book has been breaking $200 which is a little steep since I'm not a huge SF fan.Twitter: https://twitter.com/ron_clinton
Well, I learned tonight there is a new low in the King's Way Press debacle. Maybe fiasco is a better word? Guess who is now answering questions for Zach Powell? Paul Little! Nuff said on that score. Zach Powell did send me 1 or 2 free books. I am now firmly convinced I'll never see Poker Night or Silver/Solomon's Seal in my hands. If I do get the books, I might just faint. I've actually been considering taking the 3 or 4 King's Way Press titles I have and donating them at a thrift shop or a library.
Hey Dan-If this starts a bout of nastyness here so sorry and feel free to delete my post. Needed to speak my mind tonight.
CapBooks are weapons in the war of ideas.
Nothing to see here!Ok, I really can't come up with anymore of these stupid things...
- May 2011
- 8816
Originally posted by c marvel View PostWell, I learned tonight there is a new low in the King's Way Press debacle. Maybe fiasco is a better word? Guess who is now answering questions for Zach Powell? Paul Little! Nuff said on that score. Zach Powell did send me 1 or 2 free books. I am now firmly convinced I'll never see Poker Night or Silver/Solomon's Seal in my hands. If I do get the books, I might just faint. I've actually been considering taking the 3 or 4 King's Way Press titles I have and donating them at a thrift shop or a library.
Hey Dan-If this starts a bout of nastyness here so sorry and feel free to delete my post. Needed to speak my mind tonight.
Originally posted by mhatchett View PostOK Ron, That book is The Drive-In Joe Lansdale!Twitter: https://twitter.com/ron_clinton