Hey everyone. With the upcoming CD calendar, we're looking to put birthdays of famous horror authors and just famous horror dates in general. So if anyone has any ideas for dates we should include please post them here. Thanks, we appreciate all the help.
Here's a general idea of what we're looking for:
Author Birthdays
Famous Book Release Dates
Landmark Horror Event Dates
May 24, 1979 - Release of Dawn of the Dead
October 25, 1979 - Release of Halloween
May 25, 1979 - Release of Alien
September 24, 2004 - Release of Shaun of the Dead
The release date for Carrie (the book). It launched the career of a man who changed horror forever.
U.S. release for Friday the 13th, and A Nightmare on Elm Street
Release date of the 1st Arkham House book
Searchers after horror haunt strange, far places. - H.P. Lovecraft