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    Originally posted by dannyboy121070 View Post

    Aside fromĀ handful of stories, I hated that anthology, and found it an endless slog to get through. The Partridge story was one of the better ones.
    Now I don’t feel as guilty for reading-not-buying it.


      Finished up Black Wings VII: Tales of Lovecraftian Horror edited by ST Joshi.

      A couple of good stories and a lot of filler.

      Started Limelight, a collection of sci-fi / speculative fiction stories by Lyndsey Croal.

      About 2/3 of the way through and really enjoying this collection.

      Croal has a very straightforward & readable style, reminds me of Bradbury, though Croal’s stories are a little more visceral.

      That being said, I’m taking a break from the Croal collection and started Into the Wild Green Yonder, a novella by Peter Crowther & Tim Lebbon.

      An expectant couple move into a dilapidated house with a large garden that is more than it appears to be.

      Thirty pages in & enjoying this one a lot.

      Has a definite folk horror feel to it and can’t wait to see where Crowther & Lebbon go with it.



        Just finished reading the Thunderstorm LE of Ross Jeffery's "I Died Too, But They Haven't Buried Me Yet". While I usually enjoy Jeffrey's writing, if I'm being honest, this one was a miss for me. It's the definition of a grief-horror book and was very well written; however, I'm not sure that it's a story that I would ever want to revisit. There's just not much fun in this book and the main character is extremely caustic and hard to root for in any way which made the overall story a slog to get through. This book also had a twist ending of sorts that I just wasn't buying. Overall, while not a bad book by any means, I think this story just wasn't meant for me.

        Am now reading the hardback LE of Aron Beauregard's "Wet Market and Other Stories".

