Hey, Gang ! No no no, but do pray for those down the mountain from myself n the missus.
Really big thanks for the concern.Those close know why I tend to, literally, "lose it". Also, due to unchecked intel regarding a manic depressive sleeping disorder been battling since around '93-'95 onward and downward, losing the best damned specialist who had me up, running, all fuel ports, as best she could get them, open and running yet, due to circumstances beyond her's/mine control, I lost her to an overzealous teutonic dangerous man who cold-turkey'd me off two meds then did something so, wrongfuckingwrong...I do believe a couple of you good people actually know what happened or, all of you do.
I honestly do not recall.
( Oh, Dan, thank you for being so long-suffering. You're a good man-- I am fine)
The brain is a bizzaro creature as at least two good things have happened--
A: I woke up and plum forgot I smoked so, well, ran with it and, well, this is mostly for my great friend NJ you hell hound you
B: I started writing again. I mean, I cannot stop. I have so much gobblygook stored up and I am puking it all out into notepad
story outlines, first one, " Muse" a scattering, JB Welding of fact, mean, very dry dirty martini fiction using real/fake names, all locals are real; hence, my wife will never, cannot, ever read it.
Again, thanks for all the concern.
I managed to remember my new gmail address I, for some reason, was made to change: [email protected]
One last thing. I will be trying to find my old ebay name and top-drawer, after 14 years of selling, Happy List from buyers. Wish me luck as I fear this will not be possible after such a long leave of absence. Already have the first item, appropriately selected, in mind - a 1st edition, 1977 F/F copy of Stephen Dobyns' LONGSHOT.
Good to be back ! Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving !