I loved Red Dragon and Silence. Hannibal was great for about 90%, but I though the ending was horrible and ruined it. Did not read Hannibal Rising yet.
I loved Red Dragon and Silence. Hannibal was great for about 90%, but I though the ending was horrible and ruined it. Did not read Hannibal Rising yet.
I actually loved the ending of Hannibal. Totally unexpected and while out of character from earlier points I felt he built to it well. Hannibal Rising is his weakest novel, I assume because he wrote under duress.
I actually have a first printing HC of Red Dragon that I got in remainders for $1 when I was a kid because I thought it was a fantasy novel because it had "Dragon" in the title...Thankfully, I did not actually read it then!
I actually have a first printing HC of Red Dragon that I got in remainders for $1 when I was a kid because I thought it was a fantasy novel because it had "Dragon" in the title...Thankfully, I did not actually read it then!
Wow. That is really cool. Is remainders a store or just the standard definition with a marking on the page block/pages.
I have always known it as a term for the "sale" books when the publisher is dumping the last of them. There were no marks on this one. Nice clean copy. I think I did not even realize what it was until I had picked up Silence of the Lambs and noticed the author's name.
Here is a comment regarding Mr. Harris and writing from Stephen King:
Fellow novelist Stephen King has remarked that if writing is sometimes tedious for other authors, to Harris it is like "writhing on the floor in agonies of frustration", because, for Harris, "the very act of writing is a kind of torment".
Very excited that it’s a standalone and not an extension of the Hannibal mythos. Very much looking forward to it!
If I remember correctly when he was forced to write Hannibal Rising he stated that it would be the last Hannibal book. I love Black Sunday and look forward to whatever this one is!