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Which Do You Like Best?

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    Which Do You Like Best?

    Short stories or full length novels? I guess I should mention novellas as well. I personally like short stories since I find it difficult to read a full length novel with my type of attention span.
    Short stories are perfect for me: short so I don't get bored which also keeps me interested (obviously).
    Just curious to what others think...

    I am kind of both. A lot depends though on the book/story. I try to avoid longer novels, as it takes me a long time to finish lengthy books. I really enjoyed Night Shift a collection of short stories, as it flowed really well, and the stories (most of them anyways) were enjoyable fast reads. I also really like Strangers by Koontz, which for me at least, is longer. Close to 700 pages. It took a long time to get through it though.


      You're just like me...I can get into Koontz novels more than I can King's; I just like his writing style better. And I too try to avoid lengthy novels except for some of Ayn Rand's and War and Peace; the classics in other words. I like non-horror novels much more than just straight horror novels unless they're really good like the above mentioned Koontz or some of King's, Garton's and Laymon.


        I'm a power reader, so longer books don't really phase me much, accept for the amount of sleep I get while I'm reading them. I think I generally prefer novels, but even more so series where the story goes for multiple books. I think it provides for a more in-depth experience.
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          It's all about the story for me. If it is a story that grabs me I can easily get through a long novel, Laymon's Traveling Vampire Show and King's The Stand are examples. If the story does not grab me a 200 page novel can take a long time to get through.


            Originally posted by Dan Hocker View Post
            I'm a power reader, so longer books don't really phase me much, accept for the amount of sleep I get while I'm reading them. I think I generally prefer novels, but even more so series where the story goes for multiple books. I think it provides for a more in-depth experience.
            That's what I wish I could do too, Dan. Read a series like The Dark Tower; it's hard to believe for people on here that I've never read a word of a DT book even though I have limiteds of 5 of them, but it's true. I guess there's too many things going on over the past several years for me to even try. People that remember me know I have a neck injury involving herniated discs so that's a big problem with the pain, etc. But I really want to start one and finish the series, not just quit after 30 pages which is a bad habit of mine.


              Originally posted by Martin View Post
              It's all about the story for me. If it is a story that grabs me I can easily get through a long novel, Laymon's Traveling Vampire Show and King's The Stand are examples. If the story does not grab me a 200 page novel can take a long time to get through.
              Yep, years ago I could actually read big novels...The Stand and Swan Song (which I thought was better than The Stand) are perfect examples. Carrion Comfort was good too. But as I got older, I just can't do it anymore. At least most of the time.


                short stories definitely for me. Although I like a good novel too.


                  I would probably have to say novellas and novels and then short stories. I like short stories, but I prefer stories that are long enough to get to know the characters and such more, as well as get into the world and story that is created by the author. I have mentioned it before, but I am horrible about getting through short story collections. I like the stories, but it is very easy to be distracted by something else in between stories.


                    I like novels. Something meaty I can sink my teeth into , get involved in and not come up for a while. Though I can't deny the impact of the short story--something quick, that sinks in and leaves before its impact can be diluted with filller. The novella is something in between and I usually think twice before starting one. Most I've read don't merit a novel, but contain more than is necessary for it's impact. It would definitely be my last choice.
                    "I'm a vegan. "

                    ---Kirby Bliss Blanton , The Green Inferno (2013)


                      I love long novels (when they're good...), but novellas or short stories are fine as well.
                      At the moment I'm working my way through CD's The Century's Best Horror Fiction - I'm up to the year 1961.
                      Afther that, finally, McCammon's The Providence Rider.



                        It seems most people like the long ones. Novellas are pretty good too like King's Full Dark, No Stars as an example.
                        I like novels. Something meaty I can sink my teeth into , get involved in and not come up for a while.
                        That's how I feel about non-fiction. I can get lost in another era where I find it hard to do with a novel; I was born 100 years too late. And as I said before, I like non-horror better than literal horror novels. It doesn't seem to be very difficult to write a blood and guts horror novel than it would be to write something like Tobacco Road which I liked so much. A drama with comedic elements (at least to me that's how I felt about it).


                          I like both because each has its own unique strengths. Shorts stories are like quick shots to the head and/or heart while novels are like sips of your favorite drink and savoring and discovering the various flavors that went into making it.


                            I prefer long novels. I love picking up a large book from a favorite author knowing I am going to be in their world for a while. I sometimes feel disappointed finishing a book and realizing I have to wait a year to read the next one.


                              Although I enjoy both, my eyesight is pretty bad when it comes to reading and I do read a lot when I can but I read slow and I am more inclined towards short stories these days because I feel they really lend themselves to horror better than any other story form and because I can get one read without my eyes bothering me too much, I still really love novels though, it's all good!

