If there was ever a Secretary of Dreams Volume Three, which stories would you like to see? I personally would like The Mangler, Gramma, and Quitter's Inc. just for fun
Hint, hint people that might be reading this. Two for Quitter's Inc.! Man in the Black Suit was actually scary for me to read in the middle of the night, even though I know SK doesn't consider it high on his list of favorites. I finally managed to win a copy of SOD 1 and I can't wait to receive it. The Road Virus Heads North was and will always be one of my favorites(Night Gallery, anyone). Maybe, if we get enough posts on here, they'll actually make a SOD3
I think 1408 would be interesting too. For a novella, I think I'd like to see Secret Window. I would LOVE if they took all the stories from Creepshow too
I posted elsewhere I was wondering if CD would publish Volume 3 sometime; I hope it's not soon since I just bought Doctor Sleep.
If we where to do one, and like Brian said there haven't even been real / official talks about it. It would be after Doctor Sleep is out. So I don't think you'd have to worry about it being any time soon.
If we where to do one, and like Brian said there haven't even been real / official talks about it. It would be after Doctor Sleep is out. So I don't think you'd have to worry about it being any time soon.
Thanks for that Dan I needed to hear that lol. I was worried since there have been a couple times where limiteds were made available at the same time (like DS and The Shining..virtually the same time).
Thanks for that Dan I needed to hear that lol. I was worried since there have been a couple times where limiteds were made available at the same time (like DS and The Shining..virtually the same time).
Different publishers in that case. I can't actually think of the last time a single publisher announced 2 king limited editions around the same time. It'd be a bad business move if nothing else.
I thought there were a couple times...I thought it involved Scribner or Simon and Shuster. I can't think of the titles, just the publishers. I could be wrong about SS.
I thought there were a couple times...I thought it involved Scribner or Simon and Shuster. I can't think of the titles, just the publishers. I could be wrong about SS.
Not sure, they don't even usually release multiple King trades at the same time.
CD released one not that long ago but I couldn't get it; didn't have the funds but I can't remember the title! Then not much longer, you released Doctor Sleep. My short term memory isn't that good (I'm not really that old, 46, but pain meds give me problems with that).
Can you tell me the last one you released please?