I plugged in the above and didn't find a thread for this type of thing. Just wanted a place to yap about the boob tube.
Has anyone been watching Face Off? This is the show where they make characters and creatures with latex and foam and paint etc... I really like watching the creativity these artists have to bring to the table very quickly. Some are successful and others are just bad.
I think my favorite challenge was the Burtonesque one where they had to create a Tim Burton-like character. I loved the bellhop.
Also tonight, Monster Man debuts, so I'll give it a look/see and decide if I'll continue to follow it.
What shows are you watching?
Has anyone been watching Face Off? This is the show where they make characters and creatures with latex and foam and paint etc... I really like watching the creativity these artists have to bring to the table very quickly. Some are successful and others are just bad.
I think my favorite challenge was the Burtonesque one where they had to create a Tim Burton-like character. I loved the bellhop.
Also tonight, Monster Man debuts, so I'll give it a look/see and decide if I'll continue to follow it.
What shows are you watching?