When Gauntlet anounced the new Bradbury tribute book I went to their site to order it.They were having a special Jack Ketchum grab bag so I grabed the bagCNXT0017.jpgCNXT0018.jpgCNXT0019.jpg
Phooey !!!!! As Squire will tell you, size don't matter
Of course, it doesn't. I tell Mr. Woot that all the time;(anything to help him through his personal struggles!) Some nice editions here, BW! Of course, the Ketchums--I'm a Kelly fan, so I'm diggin' those too! Keep 'em comin'.
Nice ARCs. How did you score so many of those. I have a couple myself, but you have some I would love to have! Thanks for sharing.
"What shall I say when my lord comes a calling? What shall I say when he knocks on my door? What shall I say when his feet enter softly? Leaving the marks of his grave on my floor."