"Adventures in the Dream Trade". This is a miscellany of mostly essays, introductions, afterwords, etc., and reprints of his blog entry during the writing & touring of "American Gods". Not too special, but not common.
The Mysterious Press S/L edition of "Stories", edited by Neil and Al Sarrantonio. This is a beautiful, if minimally designed, book. The signatures are before each individual story.
A lot of great writers in this book. Here a few of my favorite signatures, but it also features Michael Moorcock (for Squire), Chuck Palahnuik (for several of you), Joyce Carol Oates, Joe R. Lansdale, Gene Wolfe...
Subterranean's "Songs of the Dying Earth: Stories in Honor of Jack Vance". The limitation page is blurry, but it's 1 of 500. I ran out of room on the camera, so I only included Neil's signature page for the writers. Sorry to Mr. Woot and the other DRK fans, but I didn't snap his sig.
"Words Without Pictures". This paperback was published by Eclipse Comics back in 1991 and has prose short stories by several comic book writers and artists, most of whom hadn't had much work seen outside of the comics scene. It's one of my oldest books with work by Neil Gaiman. It also has a wonderful novella by Alan Moore (which was got my attention for the book in the first place).