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Tito_Villa's Collection
Good stuff, Tom! Love the prices you paid on those UK editions! I still need to pick up a copy of the UK S/L of BAG OF BONES myself.
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Guest repliedGreat additions Tom (good to see you're proudly displaying the Dolso cases to great effect) - Love the UK S/L's too, spot on mate !!!!!
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Yeah its not perfect, but the camera didn't show its good side and its not really that bad. I really wanted the copy of 'Wizard and Glass' which would be around £150 if not more on its own, so i think of the other two books as a bonus
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Wow, Tom. It looks like that slipcase for Rose Madder has seen better days! But it protected the book, so it got it's stripes in the line of duty!
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And finally a shot of the main King bookcase
A few more to show later including some from the UK Fantasy Con 11
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UK S/L of 'Wizard and Glass', again not a perfect copy but this, the 'Rose Madder' & the 'Insomnia' cost £150 alltogether!
And a NF US 1st 'The Shining' with Lettered 'E' case
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UK S/L of Bag of Bones, not the best looking copy but for £30 including shipping i think i got a bargain!
UK S/L of Rose Madder
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2 signed 1st editions of 11/22/63 that back with me from the Boston signing, isn't his signature terrible nowdays!?
UK special edition of Insomnia
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Wow i've not posted in here for agesss, so i borrowed my girlfriends camera and labtop and managed to upload a few pics last night.
UK 1st of 'Fluke' by James Herbert leaving me one more to get to complete the rare 1st editions.
UK limited edition proof of 'The Ghosts of Sleath,' a huge bound volume that is signed
UK proof of 'Creed' by James Herbert
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Love those paintings of you and your chick. Great stuff!!
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Thanks and peteOcha i will definately post another pic or two when its been framed!
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