Theatrical versions of the three GOOD Star Wars films, before Lucas ruined them; A collector's edition of Hellraiser in plastic slipcase with a shooting screenplay; the boxed set of the reworked SW 1-3 films; and a super deluxe verion of 2001, complete with the 3 ratio aspects used for the original film.
Never played, the ring keeps moving as the wars are fought, you try to capture it; or you can just play to conquer the entire board--which was always more fun! Green are Elves; Yellow--Humans; Red--Dwarves; and Black--the army of Mordor
My surviving LD player (topped by a PS2 which I keep around simply because I love the game SSX Tricky):
and few choice LDs:
Theatrical versions of the three GOOD Star Wars films, before Lucas ruined them; A collector's edition of Hellraiser in plastic slipcase with a shooting screenplay; the boxed set of the reworked SW 1-3 films; and a super deluxe verion of 2001, complete with the 3 ratio aspects used for the original film.
Don't know about Lucas ruining the original SW, though. I was/am a fan, and the changes he has made áre fine with me.
I just wish he'd release the originals -as they were- on BD.
So true. I only have a couple of these Japanese horror films, and haven't actually seen the remakes, but as the originals are very, very effective I don't really have the urge to do so.
I'm glad you're showing us some covers up-close, Squire.
The artwork is sometimes better than the movie!