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CyberGhostface's Collection

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  • CyberGhostface
    This is Suntup's artist edition of 'Imajica'.

    To get an idea of how big the book is:

    The premiums:

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  • RonClinton
    Nice that they include "Officially Licensed" on the back so you know you're supporting an ethical company. My assumption when I see something like that is that it's copyright infringement, since it's all too common these days.

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  • CyberGhostface
    Not a book but it is Stephen King related so I figured some of you might get a kick out of it. It's the official "Deadlights Blend" from Dead Sled Coffee.

    The flavor (cinnamon, graham cracker and hazelnut) was previously available from them as a limited edition 'Krampus' blend a year or so ago. I enjoyed the graham cracker flavor and asked if they would ever restock it and they told me it would come back under a different title. A week later this was announced.

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  • CyberGhostface
    Thanks for the comments. To answer some of your questions…

    1. With UMass I was a student in Andre Dubus III’s creative writing class so I was able to attend a smaller q and a session before a larger event that anyone could attend (although students still got in free).

    I asked him a question about Flagg and whether or not he would show up again. That’s me at the 38 mark in the video below.

    (I really wanted to ask him why he did things the way he did with Flagg in the Dark Tower books l but I didn’t want him to take it the wrong way.)

    2. In regards to signatures as far as I understand the authors are just mailed a stack of signature sheets to sign and those sheets are later bound into the books. That’s how it goes with Cemetery Dance at least.

    Harris didn’t sign the arc bookmark though, that’s Paul Suntup’s signature.

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  • JJ123
    Been going through some of the posts in this very old thread (who knows, I may have posted in it prior, and I may be repeating questions!).

    It's hard to have all the posts in front of me that I wanted to respond to, but let me bullet-point a few reactions:

    - Great that you got to meet King at UMass Lowell. How did you get into that private q/a? Did it cost money, or was it done free for students? Did you have time to ask a question? You said he has issues with limited editions...I think I know what you mean, but it's odd he would since he licenses them and signs for them sometimes.

    -The Silence of the Lambs book is incredible. I've never purchased a limited-edition of anything, but I have to say, I agree - this Suntup company is good (so is CD, of course, they are the original press for this sort of stuff to me, no matter who came first; I've always been a fan of the flagship magazine). Harris's signature is really cool, seems like he had a great pen for it; I wonder...who writes the number 260? Would it have been him, or an employee? And how is this done - does he travel to the place to sign it, or does someone from the place travel to him? The reason I ask is because it looks like he actually opens the book and signs it in this case...I have read about something called bookplates, which I assume are sheets of stickers. (With Barnes and Noble signed copies, I believe the author goes to a company location to sign; at least from videos I have watched, it seems that way). Really enjoyed that book when I first read it after seeing the film. Harris is a solid writer.

    - I got a kick out of the guy who signed just a wavy line, with a dot on top at the end, maybe the name was Matt-something? Certainly fine enough, sort-of neat, but still funny!

    -The advanced reader copy you received as a loyal the signature on the bookmark by Harris too?

    -I definitely understand this, but I always find it odd when a signature is by the person who wrote the introduction and not the author, as was the case with Ellis/McCarthy.

    -I've said this before, but it amazes me that wealthy authors do this. I can understand smaller net-worth authors doing it, but how much money could this bring in at hundreds of copies; then factor in the hassle of signing them. We're lucky they do it. Someone like Harris - don't know what the price is for the book, but I would have to assume he would need a few-hundred dollar royalty per book to be worth his time at the very least...even then does the math add up? I suppose if there are several limited editions per year. I don't understand the business model, I guess. (I suppose too there is a promotional value, keeping one's name in the marketplace and perhaps making money when no books are released during a calendar year, but then you could argue one could be selling short stories or movie treatments or whatever else that would bring in more revenue)

    -In terms of being afraid of touching this stuff...I have that problem as well. For some of my older video games and magazines, some not even really worth anything, it bothers me to interact with them lest I ruin them in some unforeseen manner. But then, what's the point? That's why maybe limited editions should come in to not open, one to open. Cost would go up, but that would simply be the price of getting it. (Now that I think of it, maybe even in three's - one to sell, too...)

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  • TacomaDiver
    That Blood Meridian is beautiful. I'd be afraid of touching it if I owned it - so thank you for the pictures!

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  • RonClinton
    Beautiful -- thanks for sharing those pics of BLOOD MERIDIAN. Glad I got to see them, as unfortunately I had to bow out of owning a copy of the tougher passes I've made yet as a collector.

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  • Ben Staad

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  • CyberGhostface
    This is Suntup's numbered edition for 'Blood Meridan'.

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  • CyberGhostface
    I was able to get Centipede Press's 'The Haunting of Hill House' for a good price.

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  • Ben Staad
    Love the ornament. Merry Christmas!

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  • TacomaDiver
    Some ideas are too great to try.

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  • Martin
    Originally posted by TacomaDiver View Post
    I'm positive that I wouldn't be allowed to put that on our tree . . .
    Just add it to the back of the tree and see is she notices.

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  • Martin
    Originally posted by CyberGhostface View Post
    This isn't a book but it is a Stephen King collectible. I get a kick out of horror-related Christmas ornaments and was excited to see Hallmark putting out one for Pennywise. As you can see though it's fairly cheap-looking in comparison to their 'Keepsake' ornaments but it's better than nothing.

    Nice item. I find it interesting that they label the package 'Age 17+'. There is no reason for that in my view.

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  • TacomaDiver
    I'm positive that I wouldn't be allowed to put that on our tree . . .

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