Yep, iron willed control, just like me - good to see that there's another unflappable, unshakeable, able to utter an emphatic granite jawed NO to a tasty acquisition at the drop of a hat collector out there
Very cool, Siep. I remember this growing up and I think I did have one or two issues (but like those great old baseball/football cards, comic books, etc they just got discarded....)
Yep, iron willed control, just like me - good to see that there's another unflappable, unshakeable, able to utter an emphatic granite jawed NO to a tasty acquisition at the drop of a hat collector out there
Never seen the Castle Rock newsletter. Very nice, wish I'd been able to get a hold of those in the past
Oh yes, a new issue was always a joyous occasion. Remember, no internet in those days, so the ads were practically the only way to find out about new limited editions.
Plus, of course, the flyers and newsletters sent out by various dealers.
I remember this growing up and I think I did have one or two issues (but like those great old baseball/football cards, comic books, etc they just got discarded....)
So easy to do; these issues weren't much on looks; content-wise they were excellent though.
You would have done a much better job.
Btw, did you manage to get your missing issues?
Don't know about that Siep, you're doing just fine with your photo's in my book And, yep, have tracked down the five Castle Rock issues that I was missing (and am within sniffing distance of finally getting ahold of CD Mag # 6 - which will complete that set - HOORAH !!!)
And, yep, have tracked down the five Castle Rock issues that I was missing (and am within sniffing distance of finally getting ahold of CD Mag # 6 - which will complete that set - HOORAH !!!)