James Rollins is great I was bored at work one night and I found Deep Fantom and I was hooked .... and I Love the Sigma books. and I need to get a signed copy of Ice Hunt and Amazonia and Subterranean which is my Favorite of his.
I actually have hardcover editions of all his books and all but 1 or 2 are signed. I started with Amazonia, which is still my favorite, and have been hooked ever since. If your looking for a signed copy of Amazonia, I payed about $60 for mine a couple of years ago just to give you an idea of what its worth. I've seen one on Abebooks.com for $300, which IMO, is way over priced.
I could have sworn that this thread started with the words 'meager collection'. Impressive collection would be more appropriate. Especially love the Chap Books.
I could have sworn that this thread started with the words 'meager collection'. Impressive collection would be more appropriate. Especially love the Chap Books.
Meager to me because I do not yet have a signed Stephen King book. Hmmmmmmmmmmm if I accidently cut off a hand at work I can get a few thousand dollars... or maybe I can get away with just severing an index finger and a thumb for 1000.00 or a foot...so many possiblities so little guts hahahahaha
Keep looking and you will be amazed at what you can find. I have at least 10 King signed books and have paid as little as $40.00 and never over $300.00.
Meager to me because I do not yet have a signed Stephen King book. Hmmmmmmmmmmm if I accidently cut off a hand at work I can get a few thousand dollars... or maybe I can get away with just severing an index finger and a thumb for 1000.00 or a foot...so many possiblities so little guts hahahahaha
Something signed by SK is not a benchmark for a collection Menace! You've got some really good stuff here. Thanks for posting it! (I didn't get my first signed SK until 5 months ago, eventhough I'd been hording (not really collecting) books for 30 years!)
Something signed by SK is not a benchmark for a collection Menace! You've got some really good stuff here. Thanks for posting it! (I didn't get my first signed SK until 5 months ago, eventhough I'd been hording (not really collecting) books for 30 years!)
When I was in school I hated to read unless it was a comic book. Some 300 page book with no pictures what the heck is that crap and how could anyone actually enjoy that. Well when I was 18 I was home alone , no money, bored out of my skull because I had nothing to do. My sister was a big reader and had a paperback of The Stand on the end table in the living room. The cover of the book drew me in and I thought why not if I didn't like it I only wasted 5 minutes. Well I picked it up and started reading and next thing I knew 3 hours had gone by I was totally drawn into the story I could not believe how visual a book without pictures could be. I could see every little detail in my head better than if I sat in front of the tv watching a movie. I was hooked from then on in. I looked for every Stephen King book I could fine to read I couldn't get enough of it. I started reading and writing because of Mr. King. So 30 years later and Stephen King is still my favorite author so that is why a signed Sk would be a benchmark to my collection and is why my collection feels meager without it.