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Joe315's Colleciton

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  • peteOcha
    Great adds Joe! The Shining Girls looks interesting, thanks for the close up of the cover.

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  • bookworm 1
    Great adds. Congrats on the signed Hill book. I passed on it and just got the regular trade.

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  • Joe315
    US edition of Red Moon with promo buttons (I don't know why I bought them, they looked neat).

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  • Joe315
    Thanks. Same here regarding the O.

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  • Theli
    Awesome! can't wait to get my copy, hopefully next week. I think that's first vampire O I`ve seen.

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  • Joe315
    Got my signed copy of NOS4A2 today. Hill doodled a bit toward the top of the page. I like that he has a bunch of different doodles he uses.

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  • Joe315
    And UK version of The Shining Girls by Lauren Beukes, also with neat endpapers.

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  • Joe315
    Two books I just got in today. First up UK S/L of Red Moon by Benjamin Percy, with fancy red page edges.

    Last edited by Joe315; 05-16-2013, 12:27 AM.

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  • bookworm 1
    I love when people have extra and offer it for my final bid. I have picked up some great books at well below cost that way.

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  • Joe315
    Originally posted by TJCams View Post
    That's pretty sweet. How did you find that one?
    Originally posted by Tommy View Post
    Yeah Joe, have you got some sort of Spidey sense going on with cool books or what?
    I saw the book online and it looked interesting so I started looking for signed copies and found that a collectors edition was being published in South Africa. I looked for it from an online retailer but the shipping was too much so I gave up on it. Then I happened to be on eBay and found a copy which shipped from the UK. I actually lost the auction but the seller had two copies and offered me the second one for my final bid.

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  • Tommy
    Yeah Joe, have you got some sort of Spidey sense going on with cool books or what?

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  • TJCams
    That's pretty sweet. How did you find that one?

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  • Ben Staad
    Great looking book. Glad it arrived safe and sound.

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  • Joe315
    I'm almost neurotic about it. I hate ordering a book of any kind only to have it arrive in a thin envelope, especially overseas orders. Bubble wrap and a box don't cost much and I am perfectly comfortable paying the extra 2 bucks for it to be shipped safely.

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  • Neiaushie79
    That's a good looking book. Glad to know I'm not the only one who's a sucker for packaging

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