Originally posted by JDar.
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Low numbers - Do they really make a difference
CD Email: [email protected]
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Now I'm really worried. I thought my addiction to buying the books was bad enough, I didn't realise I could end up snorting them!!http://www.armadillorecords.co.uk - I've finally updated it.
Grant Wootton
Originally posted by JDar. View PostOh no! I can't be the only one who appreciates the "new book" smell while fondling the covers of a newly published gem.I, too, must confess my inordinate appreciation of the new book smell - better than a new car smell, cos I can afford far more of the former than I can of the latter
I'll now toddle out of the CD confessional booth and say 10 Hail Matherson's in penance. My work here is done
Originally posted by JDar. View PostOh no! I can't be the only one who appreciates the "new book" smell while fondling the covers of a newly published gem.
And new video game smell as well! The first thing I do when I get a new game is sniff it for several minutes! My wife usually leaves the room at this time...
I'm an old-book-smell kinda guy myself. Best smell in the world , except for...sorry, went into Roland LeBay mode there.
But new-book-smell is where it all starts! As for fondling the covers, I prefer the lubricated covers of CD that the un-lubed ones of say, Subterranean Press."I'm a vegan. "
---Kirby Bliss Blanton , The Green Inferno (2013)
Grant Wootton
Originally posted by srboone View PostI'm an old-book-smell kinda guy myself. Best smell in the world , except for...sorry, went into Roland LeBay mode there.
But new-book-smell is where it all starts! As for fondling the covers, I prefer the lubricated covers of CD that the un-lubed ones of say, Subterranean Press.
Originally posted by peteOcha View PostAlthough I do see how it could add to the book's value if it was a single digit number.
Yet I've read about people "upgrading" their limited editions by buying a lower number. That never made any sense to me. I can somewhat understand wanting matching numbers of books in a series, but the number itself is so irrelevant, I can't see what difference it makes. But I know it does to some people. Hence my "How?" Do we just all automatically assume a lower number has a higher value?
I'm not really expecting an answer, because there is only one answer: some people believe a lower number is more valuable, so they are willing to pay more to get it, thereby proving that a lower number is more valuable. And why do they believe it? Probably because it psychologically suggests that they're a bigger---or more important---fan/buyer/reader, because they have the low number, which means they bought it first or earlier.....
I think it's usually more desirable, but I don't think I'd pay that much more for it. But given the choice, of a #5 and a #740, I might pay $5-10 more or so if there was just a small price bump. If they were the same price I would definitely buy #5 over #740. And strangely, I never see #1s or #2s for sale, but then again I usually don't see the last number for sale either #750, so maybe it works at both ends of the spectrum and all that's left are the middle numbers!
I always find it strange, though, when you buy a book and it's missing a letter or a number and there's just a blank space. I assume these are mostly PC copies, but you never know!
I think it's more of a personal preference thing as well as a common misconception among novice collectors. The lower number isn't technically more valuable, but there are typically more people wanting lower numbers so they are willing to pay more for a lower number. That and a lot of novice collectors are under the impression that the lower the number to more valuable to book is. If enough people think this way and are willing to pay more for a lower number, that makes the lower numbers worth more, even if they are physically identical to the higher numbers.CD Email: [email protected]
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When I joined the collectors club for the Mansion House/Hard Gore books I ended up with 68 as 69 was gone. The only reason this meant something to me is because I'm a pervert.
That's quite a sad admission actually.
And possibly tongue in cheek. Though I did ask for number 69.http://www.armadillorecords.co.uk - I've finally updated it.