Try Librarything. I have most of my collection on there. It's pretty good.
Funny, I typed in, and I already signed up there back in 2006, I think it was. It's the same user name as here. My problem is that there's just too much data...I don't have time to sit down and type in all those book. I see I entered a few, and then gave up. I need to hire someone to sit there and do it for me
I have Excel spreadsheets on all my DvDs, BD, laserdiscs, and books (except the paper backs, which I need to get around to doing--all those harlequin romaces and Victoria Cartland books that my sister, mother and grandmother donated to my collection are pretty scary, tho.) I registered with LT, but I doubt I'll use it. I'm a pretty private person; I don't like the idea of just anybody having access to my lists.
She left me whole shelves of old mystery dime novels and and old SF paperpacks by vance, sturgeon, heinlein, siverberg, etc. Then there's the mystery BCEs; but those Harelquins...<shudder>
Without a doubt, reader. Since discovering CD though I have found some great editions of books to read which are also forming a very nice collection. I love having a great story, well presented with good artwork etc. I think it is really cool to have a book signed by the authour (and artist) who have obviously worked hard on getting the story out there.
Definitely a reader and a collector like others here. Was only a reader before discovering CD, but have accumulated a decent collection since that time. That collection will be over 100 signed or limited books in some way once I receive everything I have pre-ordered right now. I don't know what I've spent on my collection and don't think I want to know. While I love collecting the books, I intend on reading most of them when I have time. Will be rereading It when the anniversary edition arrives, and I intend on doing the same with Lonely Road edition of Clegg's Vampricon trilogy
I have 2 book collections, both of which developed from my love of reading.
1) Stephen King. I have all the trade first and many signed / limited and specialty editions. I have read ALL of them. This is truly a labor of love, as I love the thrill of collecting these editions as well as the pleasure of reading such great books.
2) Arkham House publishing. I have many of these, including most of the "holy grails." However, I have only read a few of them. So this is more of "collecting" than reading, although I do pull one off the shelf from time to time to give it a go, and my bucket list I guess includes the intention of eventually reading all of them.
I just wish I had started an Arkham collection.
Unfortunately, I never got around to this - except for the three Lovecraft collections.
Not first printings, unfortunately.
I agree. The Arkham House stuff really just has a great "feel" to them. I think it's the cover art which really draws me into that classic horror feeling.