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  • mhatchett
    I'm recovering from knee replacement surgery, had it October 4th. My suggestion don't dick around, get the surgery. Not even 2 months in and I'm a hundred percent better. Both of my knees were shot with arthritis due to service connected injuries. I'm 63, I have suffered through my knee issues since my 40s. Don't wait, get the replacement as soon as you can. Knee 1.jpg

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  • TacomaDiver
    Anything RoboCop is a plus in my book.

    I have one more round of shots and still doing PT, so hopefully I'll be back to running again by the first of the year. Planning on walking down to Starbucks here in a bit which will be a good trial for a long walk. I just know running is going to be strange with this thing . . .

    Originally posted by RonClinton View Post
    On the plus side, it looks like something out of Robocop, so there’s that.

    Glad you got it diagnosed and are on your way to hopefully a non-surgical solution. Good luck, and get better.

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  • RonClinton
    On the plus side, it looks like something out of Robocop, so there’s that.

    Glad you got it diagnosed and are on your way to hopefully a non-surgical solution. Good luck, and get better.

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  • TacomaDiver
    So here's my newest toy that I picked up yesterday . . .


    (The angle is rough - it's hard to take a picture of a beastly knee brace by yourself . . .)

    Back in October, I went hiking and experiences some of the most excruciating pain in my knee that I've ever felt (I've struggled with a knee issue for quite a few years - that's another story.) It was so bad I was legitimately worried that I wouldn't be able to get back down off the mountain safely. Plus, my wife is in Arizona helping her grandmother, so while I have two hiking partners, I was pretty alone. I never said a word to anyone, and eventually got down.

    But I was hurting! Bad. I could barely walk or stand but still went to work. And hobbled around like crazy.

    I found a sports doctor to go to up at CU Boulder (the last time I dealt with a knee issue was about 12 years ago and was told there was nothing medically wrong with me and they refused to do anything . . . ) Got xrays done, and they did an MRI, and I was so afraid they were going to tell me that nothing was wrong with me and to just buck up about some pain.

    Well, something was wrong (I'm the weirdo who's relieved something IS wrong because it explains that what I'm experiencing isn't all in my head) - I have arthritis in my left knee cap (which oddly enough isn't bugging me) but the big issue is that I have extreme degenerative cartilage on the lateral side of the left knee. Hence all the pain.

    I had dozens of options (meanwhile my wife is freaking out because she's automatically assuming surgery and I'm at home by myself . . .) so I elect to do a series of knee injections (did you know that hyaluronic acid is made from rooster combs? Now you do . . .) and get this custom unloader knee brace.

    Going to have to start waking up earlier just to get this thing on, and I'm still trying to figure out how I'm going to wear pants . . .

    "Luckily" my deductible is filled this year so this won't cost me too much (a $9000 ER visit will do that for you.)

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  • Brian861
    Originally posted by Martin View Post

    I assumed you were blocking it out to avoid the temptation to buy another copy.
    Yes, yes, that's what I was doing . Knowing me, I'll probably purchase the signed copy and try to peddle the other copy on eBay for a few bucks.

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  • Martin
    Originally posted by Brian861 View Post

    Ah, that's what I get for not reading into it further. But we all know I'm better at listening
    I assumed you were blocking it out to avoid the temptation to buy another copy.

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  • Brian861
    Originally posted by Martin View Post

    I have seen books with this type of jacket before but it has been a long time. Never liked and still don't. I do not need another copy but I believe this one is identical to yours but with the signature. From the description "Signed edition with exclusive green edges".
    Ah, that's what I get for not reading into it further. But we all know I'm better at listening

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  • Martin
    Originally posted by Brian861 View Post

    Good looking out. I ordered the one about via their newsletter. Not sure how I'll feel about needing the signed copy. If it has the sprayed edges, maybe.

    That's odd about the B&N jacket. Can't recall that I've seen that done before.
    I have seen books with this type of jacket before but it has been a long time. Never liked and still don't. I do not need another copy but I believe this one is identical to yours but with the signature. From the description "Signed edition with exclusive green edges".

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  • Brian861
    Originally posted by Martin View Post

    Your post made me curious if they had a signed edition in the UK. Turns out Waterstones will be doing one but it is not yet available.
    Good looking out. I ordered the one about via their newsletter. Not sure how I'll feel about needing the signed copy. If it has the sprayed edges, maybe.

    That's odd about the B&N jacket. Can't recall that I've seen that done before.

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  • Martin
    Originally posted by Brian861 View Post
    Here's the UK equivalent of the McConaughey book. I wanted this edition due to the sprayed edges. It's not signed though.


    Your post made me curious if they had a signed edition in the UK. Turns out Waterstones will be doing one but it is not yet available.

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  • Martin
    Originally posted by Brian861 View Post
    Did the B&N not have a full jacket? I know you posted but don't recall.
    The B&N dust jacket is about an inch and a half shorter than the book.

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  • Brian861
    Did the B&N not have a full jacket? I know you posted but don't recall.

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  • Martin
    Originally posted by Brian861 View Post
    Here's the UK equivalent of the McConaughey book. I wanted this edition due to the sprayed edges. It's not signed though.


    It has a full size dustjacket as well.

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  • Brian861
    Here's the UK equivalent of the McConaughey book. I wanted this edition due to the sprayed edges. It's not signed though.


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  • Sock Monkey
    Originally posted by mhatchett View Post
    A blast from the past, Underwood/Miller’s 1987, three volume set, The Selected Stories of Robert Bloch, The Final Reckonings, Bitter Ends and Last Rites. The set came with a slipcase. This one is number 44 of 500. I wasn’t really looking for this one, but glad I saw it.
    Bloch 1.jpgBloch 2.jpgBloch 3.jpgBloch 4.jpg
    That's a nice looking set! Congratulations!

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