I had the option to choose the blue, but mustard is what I had in my hand and I think it looks great. Like you, the blue looked better in the initial photos, plus I just love blue.
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Just received the new Paul Tremblay set from Thunderstorm Books, and in fact featured it today on Twitter:
Also received IN THE SHADOWS OF MEN, the S/L HC from Robert Jackson Bennett, published by Subterranean Press. Got it at a sweet deal on one of their recent blowout/ding (no dings on this one) sale. I don't believe I've ever read Bennett, but the idea of a haunted, desolate motel with historical overtones sold me immediately upon its announcement...glad to finally have it.
I ordered the Folio Society edition of TRUE GRIT a week or so ago, and it should be here in a few days, according to the tracking. Looking forward to it...it's an American classic, some say THE American Classic, and I've never read it. I decided it was time to remedy that, and this is a gorgeous edition in which to do it. Here's a great video featuring the Folio edition:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ron_clinton
Originally posted by Ben Staad View PostCongrats. The Tremblay books look very sharp.
On a side note I thought I had purchased a copy of True Grit but don't see it anywhere.Twitter: https://twitter.com/ron_clinton
Thanks. I like the idea of reading in style as well. It's much more fun that way.
Originally posted by RonClinton View Post
Let me know if you can't find it. I have a trade-paperback of it that I bought intending to read, before throwing caution to the wind and ordering the deluxe Folio edition so as to read it in style.Looking for the fonting of youth.
True Grit was good. I'd never read it, and just got the e-book a few months ago.
Let the Right One In and a signed 1st edition of Harlan Ellison's Approaching Oblivion arrived today. I had my Suntup books sandwiched between King and Ellison, but I've run out of room. Again.
I have a few more Ellison books on the way, so it's time to rearrange things.
The Tremblay books were larger in size than I expected (that's what she said) - I only have one other Thunderstorm book and that's the Chizmar one from a year or two back.
I usually don't comment on "fancy" endpapers, but I really like the marbling on these. They look really sharp.
RonClinton - I've eyeballed that Folio edition of True Grit for ages now, but just never pulled the trigger on it. I may have to correct that soon. Of course, I did just learn that I owe $2k in taxes this year so that hurts.
Originally posted by TacomaDiver View PostThe Tremblay books were larger in size than I expected (that's what she said) - I only have one other Thunderstorm book and that's the Chizmar one from a year or two back.
I usually don't comment on "fancy" endpapers, but I really like the marbling on these. They look really sharp.
RonClinton - I've eyeballed that Folio edition of True Grit for ages now, but just never pulled the trigger on it. I may have to correct that soon. Of course, I did just learn that I owe $2k in taxes this year so that hurts.
I've eyeballed that TRUE GRIT volume for probably two years, but like you just never pulled the trigger on it. Got close a couple times, but backed away from the keyboard...finally had enough of lusting after it and reading all the glowing reviews and articles on Portis' work, and when I received a $10 discount code, that was enough to push me off the fence. 'Course, with my luck, after waiting two years now Suntup will probably do a lovely AE of it that'll blow Folio's very attractive edition out of the water, but...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ron_clinton
Nothing to see here!Ok, I really can't come up with anymore of these stupid things...
- May 2011
- 8811
Originally posted by TacomaDiver View PostThe Tremblay books were larger in size than I expected (that's what she said) - I only have one other Thunderstorm book and that's the Chizmar one from a year or two back.
I usually don't comment on "fancy" endpapers, but I really like the marbling on these. They look really sharp.
RonClinton - I've eyeballed that Folio edition of True Grit for ages now, but just never pulled the trigger on it. I may have to correct that soon. Of course, I did just learn that I owe $2k in taxes this year so that hurts.
I remember really like the first book in the Themis Files trilogy from Sylvain Neuvel - Sleeping Giants. The next two weren't as good in my opinion, but I still enjoyed the series.
After the series ended, I recall tweet at Bill at SubPress that this trilogy would make a nice set of books to publish and what do you know - SubPress did publish a set. They also published a Murderbot collection after I tweeted at them. Pretty sure everyone owes me something for this . . ..
But I digress.
In addition to the standard trade 1/1 hardcovers, and the SubPress set, I now own the signed and numbered UK versions. I really like the whole presentation - from the matching covers, to the sprayed edges, to the matching black end papers. The whole set just looks really nice!
- 1 like
R.e. the reduction, my guess is lack of interest in the UK to sustain 750 copies, especially if these UK editions appeared after the Sub Press set.
I have the Sub Press set, but have yet to read them. Typically I'll read my limiteds shortly after receiving them -- they don't linger long in my TBR pile as I tend to put a priority on them. These ones, however, I for some reason shelved them before I read them, thinking I'll just pull them off the shelf at some point and read them. But when my usual process of "TBR --> read --> shelve" is broken, I've found they don't seem to get read. Same thing happened with the last four Matthew Corbett books.
I do plan to read all of them soon, though, and have certainly learned my lesson about premature shelving.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ron_clinton
Too bad you couldn't get a set when SubPress did a 50% off sale - it was one of the books available, and $90 for that trilogy would have been an AMAZING deal! Also pretty sure they disappeared fairly quickly after the sale went live.
Originally posted by Dave1442397 View PostVery nice! I passed on the Sub Press Themis Files set - can't buy everything!
I don't know - but Ron probably has a good safe guess about it.
Originally posted by Martin View PostNot familiar with the stories but the presentation is beautiful. Is there any story on why they reduced the print run after the first book?
I know I haven't read the Corbett book from CD either, so you have good company there. All of my TBR pile is basically my shelves. My wife and I did at one time go through all of our books and flag them with this sticky notes I got from a conference to help identify which ones we haven't read, but between two moves, running out of space, and the sticky notes falling off, I have no idea anymore, so everything goes on the shelves.
Originally posted by RonClinton View PostR.e. the reduction, my guess is lack of interest in the UK to sustain 750 copies, especially if these UK editions appeared after the Sub Press set.
I have the Sub Press set, but have yet to read them. Typically I'll read my limiteds shortly after receiving them -- they don't linger long in my TBR pile as I tend to put a priority on them. These ones, however, I for some reason shelved them before I read them, thinking I'll just pull them off the shelf at some point and read them. But when my usual process of "TBR --> read --> shelve" is broken, I've found they don't seem to get read. Same thing happened with the last four Matthew Corbett books.
I do plan to read all of them soon, though, and have certainly learned my lesson about premature shelving.
Originally posted by TacomaDiver View PostToo bad you couldn't get a set when SubPress did a 50% off sale - it was one of the books available, and $90 for that trilogy would have been an AMAZING deal!
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ron_clinton