Both Dan and Brian catch a lot of crap, including from me at times, about the going on's at CD so it's only fair to praise them when they do you a solid.
We were having a discussion on TDT last week or so about the Bill Hodges Trilogy set from Scribner and how back when these came out, there was some discussion they may not all have come with 1st printings. For some reason, I never did order a set upon release and didn't recall that CD even offered these. Dan mentioned that he had some damaged ones and I emailed him requesting a set of the least damage variety. Dan advised he was working at home the for the remainder of the week and would contact me on Monday (8/10) when he was back at CD. He did just that, we got the details sorted, and he tells me it'll ship some time this week. Ok, cool. Thanks so much!
I get the shipping notice either the same day or Tuesday. Can't recall and not a big deal as it's no rush for it on my end. The shipping notice is from FedEx, which I thought was nice since I figured it'd come media mail. Again, not a huge deal but I appreciate that it'll be here sooner vs. later. It arrives on Friday and I opened it this afternoon. Still sealed and a huge sigh of relieve as they are all 1st printings when I opened them.
So big thanks to Dan for taking the time to look through how many ever of these they had and picking out a nice set for me. He could have said when I asked initially that no, I'm not taking the time to look through this stuff and you'll get what you get. Furthermore, he could have said no, I'm throwing these things into grab bags, a damage sale, etc., not for individual sale, move along.
As far as damage; yea, there really isn't any! Some extremely minor dings to the slipcase that I'd have to point out to you and Joe Schmo book buyer would never notice. And we're not talking a high end slipcase so I expected the worst. So Dan, realizing that this may not be a big deal on your end, thank you for taking the time to make me feel like it definitely was on my end. In a good way
That's a great story and also one of the reasons that I don't give a lot of grief to the CD staff. I did one time and felt so bad that I wrote back and apologized . The service is top-notch and it seems that they can't catch a break the last few years. Between the Pandemic and printer issues it's been a frustrating time. However the CD staff always seem to keep it together
In the continuing adventures of the post office and Borderlands . . .
Borderlands never did bill me for Priority Mail, but the replacement book arrived today. For those playing along at home, the most recent Little Book was Magenta, which was lost and the tracking info shows Dead.
Today's book - same crappy envelope, via Media Mail, was the Little Amber Book. Not even the right replacement book.
So more emails sent to Borderlands. We'll see what happens.
Oh and yes, it's odd the Post Office deems the book worth less than $25 when I paid $30 . . .
Odd that the P.O. would consider it unless than $25 when they retail at $30. I don't believe I've ever had to email BL about an issue so I can't speak to their turnaround times. Hopefully they get it fixed for you sooner vs. later.
In the continuing adventures of the post office and Borderlands . . .
Borderlands never did bill me for Priority Mail, but the replacement book arrived today. For those playing along at home, the most recent Little Book was Magenta, which was lost and the tracking info shows Dead.
Today's book - same crappy envelope, via Media Mail, was the Little Amber Book. Not even the right replacement book.
So more emails sent to Borderlands. We'll see what happens.
Oh and yes, it's odd the Post Office deems the book worth less than $25 when I paid $30 . . .
eBay gave me a $50 voucher so I got Leaders of the Pack: A Werewolf Anthology by Ray Garton, Jeff Strand, David Wellington..... It's a hardcover, not signed from Horrific Tales Publishing.
The other item I recently acquired is waiting to be framed, but I'll give you all a tease. I'm super excited to get this one back home and can't wait to show it off. Here are the original sketches for that "mystery" item: IMG_2622.jpg
I picked up the item I was waiting to get framed.
Due to receiving a pretty kick ass reward at work, I came into some extra money, and since I was asked to save as much of it as possible, I insisted that this was a reward and I wanted to treat myself to something fun.
I've been wanting a commission from Michael Avon Oeming for quite some time, but the timing never seemed to have worked out right. If you're familiar with Brian Michael Bendis, you are probably familiar with Michael Avon Oeming as well. His most well known art is from a series he's worked with Bendis on for years called POWERS. (It was even a two-season tv show on the old Playstation Network.)
Michael's art, to me, always seemed perfect for doing something with Batman, and since I was treating myself, I asked if he'd be willing to do an homage to one of Frank Miller's splash pages from The Dark Knight Returns.
Here's a picture of the page I was wanting to homage: DKR_BandR.jpg
(The sketch page he sent along with the finished piece shows his original sketches of Batman and Robin.)
And here's the finished piece all framed up: IMG_2732.jpg
And a close-up of the framing and matting, along with a close-up of the signature: IMG_2733.jpgIMG_2734.jpg
The frame itself is pretty basic, but I think it works well with the linework and all of the black. I elected to go with a navy blue primary matte since Batman often has a blue costume, plus I needed some colors other than blank. And then I used a secondary matte of bright yellow for that COLOR POP! the piece needed. Yellow was also selected since Batman usually has a yellow chest emblem, and Robin has quite a bit of yellow on her.
Overall I'm super happy with how this turned out. According to Taki Soma (Michael's wife) he says this might be his favorite commission ever, and they both love how the framing turned out.
My wife wants it hung in the living room instead of my office/den because she really likes it too - so that's saying something.
Speaking of the wife, I requested another commission from Brian "Oktopolis" Miller - the guy who I got that Mouse Guard painting from. I needed to be fair and get her something too. I tried to slyly find out what she would want without actually telling her. The choices were basically between something from My Little Pony or something from Beauty and the Beast. I went with B&tB since we don't have a lot of art from that - but we do have tons of MLP stuff.