Originally posted by jeffingoff
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Originally posted by Sock Monkey View PostI really need to revisit this. I remember thinking it was rather bonkers, and that it had a subtle gut punch of a last line or so. I also remember there being a couple elements that turned me off the story. Agreed that it isn’t Little’s best story.
Originally posted by bugen View PostGreat post.Twitter: https://twitter.com/ron_clinton
Originally posted by jeffingoff View PostCEMETERY DANCE has gotten SO MUCH of my money and it's only 4 days into 2018. It's going to be the YEAR OF THE RAMEN NOODLES
It took me a while to get around to taking pictures, but here was my Christmas gift from my wife this year:
The Centipede Press edition of Peter Straub's Julia.
I had serious reservations that the book would live up to its rather steep price tag, but DEAR GOD, is this a good looking book! Centipede did an amazing job with this edition: from the cover art and binding, even the paper used on this thing is impressive. I've always had a sweet spot for this understated gem of a book in my heart, but now I'm happy to have this edition in my collection.
CD got me for four orders. Two are in stock books and two were preorders (of the same book!) Combined with all the stuff I bought in 2017 that is either in the warehouse or soon will be, and I have about 8 books coming to me this month.
Dan, if you want to put them all in one box that’d be great! I won’t even ask for reduced/refunded shipping costs if it just means that those books can come home faster!
Originally posted by Sock Monkey View PostIt took me a while to get around to taking pictures, but here was my Christmas gift from my wife this year:
The Centipede Press edition of Peter Straub's Julia.
I had serious reservations that the book would live up to its rather steep price tag, but DEAR GOD, is this a good looking book! Centipede did an amazing job with this edition: from the cover art and binding, even the paper used on this thing is impressive. I've always had a sweet spot for this understated gem of a book in my heart, but now I'm happy to have this edition in my collection.
Originally posted by Sock Monkey View PostI feel your pain. CD is on a roll, but Centipede is gearing up for a good year too. Maybe we can all start a ramen co-op, pool our resources to get better ramen deals, stretching our meager food budgets...
Nothing to see here!Ok, I really can't come up with anymore of these stupid things...
- May 2011
- 8811
Originally posted by Sock Monkey View PostIt took me a while to get around to taking pictures, but here was my Christmas gift from my wife this year:
The Centipede Press edition of Peter Straub's Julia.
I had serious reservations that the book would live up to its rather steep price tag, but DEAR GOD, is this a good looking book! Centipede did an amazing job with this edition: from the cover art and binding, even the paper used on this thing is impressive. I've always had a sweet spot for this understated gem of a book in my heart, but now I'm happy to have this edition in my collection.
Wow, that JULIA is beautiful -- sure makes me really examine my decision to skip it because of the price tag. Clearly, the book justifies its cost. That was a very generous gift from your wife, you're a lucky man.Twitter: https://twitter.com/ron_clinton