(I thought that I would start a new thread since I'm going to use lots of words and have lots of pictures.)
I've never attended a full blown Comic Con before - although I do remember going to the Seattle Center for something about comic books, but couldn't quite recall when it was, or what it was. I kept telling myself that I had attended the ECCC before it was a "thing" and had to have been about 17 or 18 years ago. What I do remember is I met Terry (Strangers in Paradise) Moore at this show - which was the reason I went to this show in the first place. I remember that my ex thought he was hot, and that he signed my first Complete Strangers in Paradise hardcover. (Funny story - I almost always leave my book covers off, and the SIP book had a gold embossed Kathchoo on the front - and Terry didn't even realize that until he saw my copy.)
While looking for some of my original Strangers in Paradise comics, I did stumble upon the actual newspaper featuring his appearance in Seattle. It was back on March 14, 1999!

While looking at this old article, two things that stand out to me are:
1. It only cost $5 to get in (or $4 if you brought a can of food)
2. Bernie Wrightson was there. This makes me sad because he passed a way a couple of years ago, and I didn't even realize he was there.
Where was I going with this . . . oh yeah - I've never attended a full blown comic convention before, but once I discovered that Terry Moore was going, I had to, especially once you also factor in the fact David Petersen was also there. He's the artist who draws all of those mice I'm obsessed with.
So we bought passes for Thursday (Saturday, and the 4-day passes were already sold out) and then made plans of what to bring.
I decided that since I already had the first Complete Strangers in Paradise collection signed, I needed to get the rest of them signed, plus my Rachel Rising Omnibus, and a slough of other Terry Moore comics.
When you added in the various David Petersen books, plus what K was bringing, we were lugging quite a bit of stuff with us!
Onto more pictures!
Oh - before I show all of these off - I just want to say that yes, I brought A LOT of stuff, but at every stop, I apologized for the number of books I had, and if a line ever formed behind me, I would also step aside, go to the back, and start again. Everyone had no problem with what I brought, and there never ended up being a line. Plus Terry's wife Robyn said the best thing about this - since they self-publish everything, the simple fact that I had the books meant a lot to them because it meant that I bought them from them. With all of the items I had, it also gave me plenty of time to talk to everyone and make it more of a real event, rather than just a signature.
So for Strangers in Paradise, I decided that I wanted to get the first issue of each volume signed, but discovered that I had already gotten the first issue from Volume 3 signed way back in 1999, so I got all of Volume 1 signed, and the first issue from Volume 2:

(left to right) Strangers in Paradise Volume 1: Numbers 1 through 3.
(Funny story about #3 - Terry told me that that was the issue that made him realize he needed to self-publish because the publisher used a low rez scan of the cover, rather than the high rez version.)

(l)SIP Volume 2: Number 1
(r)SIP Volume 3: Number 1 Wizard edition - I didn't even remember owning this one.

I also found a Spider-Man comic he drew (the writer, Brian Michael Bendis, was also at ECCC, BUT was only there on Friday and Saturday. I realize I need to plan better . . .) and found my Fall of Stardust portfolio (other artists provided artwork based on Neil Gaiman and Charles Vess's Stardust comics) which featured some of Terry's artwork.

I haven't read this one yet, but was lucky enough to get a hardcover version a few months ago. Since the pages are black, we even brought our own silver pen.
Strangers in Paradise returned this year (it'll be a 10 issue series I believe) so here is the first issue signed, along with a quick sketch on the blank variant cover that seems to be what all the cool comics are doing today:

(I forget how he described this sketch - something like the safe one to do - but his wife told him to draw something good and he said too late, he is doing it bad already.)
On his Twitter account, he mentioned that he had a few sketches available for sale, and since I was only there one day, there was no way I would be able to get a commission done, so I knew that I was going to be buying a sketch.
There were two that I wanted - they were basically companion pieces. One featured Francine from SIP, and the other, of course, featured Katchoo.
I really, REALLY wanted both, but it wasn't in the cards. So as K said, always get the brunette.

Words don't even begin to accurately describe how much in love I am with this sketch. It's just so so so perfect. And it really makes me want the Katchoo one . . . I wonder if he still has it . . .
I've never attended a full blown Comic Con before - although I do remember going to the Seattle Center for something about comic books, but couldn't quite recall when it was, or what it was. I kept telling myself that I had attended the ECCC before it was a "thing" and had to have been about 17 or 18 years ago. What I do remember is I met Terry (Strangers in Paradise) Moore at this show - which was the reason I went to this show in the first place. I remember that my ex thought he was hot, and that he signed my first Complete Strangers in Paradise hardcover. (Funny story - I almost always leave my book covers off, and the SIP book had a gold embossed Kathchoo on the front - and Terry didn't even realize that until he saw my copy.)
While looking for some of my original Strangers in Paradise comics, I did stumble upon the actual newspaper featuring his appearance in Seattle. It was back on March 14, 1999!

While looking at this old article, two things that stand out to me are:
1. It only cost $5 to get in (or $4 if you brought a can of food)
2. Bernie Wrightson was there. This makes me sad because he passed a way a couple of years ago, and I didn't even realize he was there.

Where was I going with this . . . oh yeah - I've never attended a full blown comic convention before, but once I discovered that Terry Moore was going, I had to, especially once you also factor in the fact David Petersen was also there. He's the artist who draws all of those mice I'm obsessed with.
So we bought passes for Thursday (Saturday, and the 4-day passes were already sold out) and then made plans of what to bring.
I decided that since I already had the first Complete Strangers in Paradise collection signed, I needed to get the rest of them signed, plus my Rachel Rising Omnibus, and a slough of other Terry Moore comics.
When you added in the various David Petersen books, plus what K was bringing, we were lugging quite a bit of stuff with us!
Onto more pictures!
Oh - before I show all of these off - I just want to say that yes, I brought A LOT of stuff, but at every stop, I apologized for the number of books I had, and if a line ever formed behind me, I would also step aside, go to the back, and start again. Everyone had no problem with what I brought, and there never ended up being a line. Plus Terry's wife Robyn said the best thing about this - since they self-publish everything, the simple fact that I had the books meant a lot to them because it meant that I bought them from them. With all of the items I had, it also gave me plenty of time to talk to everyone and make it more of a real event, rather than just a signature.
So for Strangers in Paradise, I decided that I wanted to get the first issue of each volume signed, but discovered that I had already gotten the first issue from Volume 3 signed way back in 1999, so I got all of Volume 1 signed, and the first issue from Volume 2:

(left to right) Strangers in Paradise Volume 1: Numbers 1 through 3.
(Funny story about #3 - Terry told me that that was the issue that made him realize he needed to self-publish because the publisher used a low rez scan of the cover, rather than the high rez version.)

(l)SIP Volume 2: Number 1
(r)SIP Volume 3: Number 1 Wizard edition - I didn't even remember owning this one.

I also found a Spider-Man comic he drew (the writer, Brian Michael Bendis, was also at ECCC, BUT was only there on Friday and Saturday. I realize I need to plan better . . .) and found my Fall of Stardust portfolio (other artists provided artwork based on Neil Gaiman and Charles Vess's Stardust comics) which featured some of Terry's artwork.

I haven't read this one yet, but was lucky enough to get a hardcover version a few months ago. Since the pages are black, we even brought our own silver pen.
Strangers in Paradise returned this year (it'll be a 10 issue series I believe) so here is the first issue signed, along with a quick sketch on the blank variant cover that seems to be what all the cool comics are doing today:

(I forget how he described this sketch - something like the safe one to do - but his wife told him to draw something good and he said too late, he is doing it bad already.)
On his Twitter account, he mentioned that he had a few sketches available for sale, and since I was only there one day, there was no way I would be able to get a commission done, so I knew that I was going to be buying a sketch.
There were two that I wanted - they were basically companion pieces. One featured Francine from SIP, and the other, of course, featured Katchoo.
I really, REALLY wanted both, but it wasn't in the cards. So as K said, always get the brunette.

Words don't even begin to accurately describe how much in love I am with this sketch. It's just so so so perfect. And it really makes me want the Katchoo one . . . I wonder if he still has it . . .